Često dok pijem kafu volim da crtam. Nekad je to samo skica olovkom nekad nešto ozbiljnije. Žene imaju sposobnost da rade više stvari u isto vreme. 😁 Nikad ne gubim vreme. Samo se treba dobro organizovati. Ovako je danas izgledala moja zabava dok sam pila kafu i pričala telefonom.
Ženski portret sam počela olovkom. .
I often like to draw while drinking coffee. Sometimes it's just a pencil sketch, sometimes something more serious. Women have the ability to multitask. 😁 I never waste time. You just need to organize yourself well. This is what my party looked like today while drinking coffee and talking on the phone.
I started the female portrait with a pencil. .
Prvo sam obojila lice raznim nijansama oker, bež, roze i braon nijansama. Vrlo je bitno da postoji više slojeva jer u tom slučaju portret dobija realniji izgled.
First, I painted the face with various shades of ocher, beige, pink and brown. It is very important that there are several layers because in that case the portrait gets a more realistic look.
Zatim sam dodala senke ispod brade i oko očiju dodavanjem plave boje.
I then added shadows under the chin and around the eyes by adding blue.
Pre nego što počnem detalje oko lica, završim i oči, ovog puta sam oči uradila paralelno sa maramom na glavi jer sam oči i šarenu maramu radila istom četkicom. Igrala sam se apstraktnim šarama i cvećem.
Before I start the details around the face, I also finish the eyes, this time I made the eyes parallel to the scarf on the head because I made the eyes and the colorful scarf with the same brush. I played with abstract patterns and flowers.
Lice je kompletno završeno. Sada ide lakši deo gde nije potrebno mnogo preciznosti. Kada su marama i detalji u pitanju, pustila sam maštu.
The face is completely finished. Now comes the easy part where not much precision is required. When it comes to the scarf and the details, I let my imagination run wild.
Još nekoliko detalja i portret je završen. Cvet, senka, list, grančica. . .gotovo!
Nadam se da ste uživali i da će vas ova igra bojama inspirisati da počnete da crtate i vi uz kafu. 😉♥️
A few more details and the portrait is complete. Flower, shadow, leaf, twig. . .done!
I hope you enjoyed and that this coloring game will inspire you to start drawing with your coffee. 😉♥️
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Thank you @bullmoney7 !
wow, beautiful art work thanks a lot for sharing.
!giphy wow
@sagarkothari88 vote 15%
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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️Hey @vragolana! upvoted based on request from @bhattg
Via Tenor
Tnx! 🥰