Zimski sunčan dan/Winter sunny day

in Sketchbooklast month

Lepo je kad imate svoj likovni izraz ali nekad upadnemo u zamku, jednoličnost. Zato treba probati nešto novo, prihvatiti iskušenja, leteti..
Danas sam se igrala, i igrajući se najbolje stvaramo...
Zimski pejzaž. Počinjem...

It's nice when you have your own artistic expression, but sometimes we fall into the trap of monotony. That's why you should try something new, accept temptations, fly...
Today I played, and playing is the best way to create...
Winter landscape. I'm starting...


Ovoga puta bila sam žedna vedrih boja okupane suncem...

This time I was thirsty for bright colors bathed in the sun...


Zima dolazi, mirna je noć,
Sneg prekriva drveće, tišina je svuda...

Winter is coming, it's a calm night,
Snow covers the trees, silence is everywhere...


Na ledu se sreću tragovi ptica,
A miris zime u vazduhu nosi mraz...

Bird tracks are found on the ice,
And the smell of winter in the air brings frost...


Ostalo je još da odlepim traku i magična igra se završava...

All that's left to do is peel off the tape and the magic game ends...


Tajno je sve, tiho se diše,
Svet se u snu pod belim pokrivačem briše...

Everything is secret, it breathes quietly,
The world is erased in a dream under a white blanket...


Dragi moji, i ovog puta sam podelila sa vama radost crtanja. Hvala na podršci i pažnji. I dalje nastavljamo zajedno da uživamo u bojama prirode...

My dears, this time too I shared with you the joy of drawing. Thank you for your support and attention. We continue to enjoy the colors of nature together...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Oh it's lovely how you express yourself when painting, describing how these happy accidents come out, good job! 😄

Thanks for your support!

I greet you very much and wish you all the best!

@edgarafernandezp 👋
