Pequeños auto Retos que enseñan bastante. | Small self-challenges that teach a lot. |

Muy buen Fin de Semana a todos los Usuarios de la Comunidad de Hive-PeakD, he estado haciendo unas cosas como manera de retarme en la medida de lo que me permite lo que actualmente se de 3D en Blender. | Good Weekend to all the Hive-PeakD Community Users, I have been doing some things as a way to challenge myself as far as what I currently know about 3D in Blender allows me. |

En esta ocasión les muestro el acabado en 3D de un pequeño radio a Batería USB que poseo y uso regularmente durante los apagones que frecuente mente acontecen en mi país. | This time I show you the 3D finish of a small USB battery radio that I own and use regularly during power outages that frequently occur in my country. |

No se nada de herramientas de diseño gráfico como para una vez desenvuelta las UV’s poder recrear texturas en programas de diseño gráfico. | I don't know anything about graphic design tools to be able to recreate textures in graphic design programs once the UV's are unwrapped. |

Así que de momento utilicé texturas procedurales hechas internamente con Blender utilizando el sistema de nodos para varias de las cosas que utilicé en las texturas de esta radio. | So for the moment I used procedural textures made internally with Blender using the node system for several of the things I used in the textures of this radio. |

He estado tratando de seguir un curso de una unica clase larga de Krita para Resolver un poco lo de mis problemas con los mapas de textura pero creo que demorara tiempo en poder obtener los frutos. | I have been trying to follow a one long Krita course to solve some of my texture mapping problems but I think it will take some time before it will pay off. |

También usé precariamente técnicas de modelado Hard-Surface en este intento a cuenta propia. | I also precariously used Hard-Surface modeling techniques in this attempt on my own. |

Esto engordo la cantidad de polígonos en las mallas de la radio y en las etapas finales el equipo comenzaba a mover la escena para orbitarla el programa lo hacia a saltos sobre todo si estoy en el modo de vista previa de materiales con EEVEE. | This increased the amount of polygons in the radio meshes and in the final stages the computer started to move the scene to orbit it and the program did it in jumps especially if I am in the material preview mode with EEVEE. |

Creo que también puso su grano de arena para empeorar ese problema, la imagen HDRI que colocque de entorno proveniente de HDRI Heaven’s | I think it also did its bit to make that problem worse, the HDRI image I placed as an environment from HDRI Heaven's. |

Los materiales de las cornetas usan una textura procedural basada en una mascara que combina el nodo de transparencia y el nodo de principal shader para hacer el acabado de las rejillas protetoras de las cornetas, lastima que esto solo es visible por CYCLES debido a que EEVEE tiene limitaciones con la representación de esas refracciones. | The bugle materials use a mask-based procedural texture that combines the transparency node and the main shader node to make the finish of the bugle protective grids, too bad that this is only visible by CYCLES because EEVEE has limitations with the rendering of those refractions. |

O en su defecto, muy probablemente soy un novato que no sabe como configurar bien los parámetros de render para lograr que EEVEE represente bien el efecto de la textura en el material. | Or, failing that, I'm probably a novice who doesn't know how to set the render parameters properly to get EEVEE to represent the texture effect on the material. |

Aun hay muchos objetos que no logro recrear correctamente y eso me preocupa bastante, ya estoy llenando una carpeta de fallidos a medio acabar de objetos en 3D que no me salen bien, o son muy toscos y no se acercan aun al original que deseaba modelar. | There are still many objects that I can not recreate correctly and that worries me a lot, I'm already filling a folder of half finished failed 3D objects that do not come out well, or are very rough and are not even close to the original I wanted to model. |

Pero ya no me puedo detener a medio camino y debo seguir intentándolo, estudiando un poco por aquí y equivocándome en algunos auto retos, un poco mas. | But I can't stop halfway and I have to keep trying, studying a little bit here and making mistakes in some self challenges, a little bit more. |

Solo Espero que les guste este nuevo intento de “Recrear un objeto en 3D tan real como me es actualmente posible” como parte de mis autopracticas-retos. | I just hope you like this new attempt to "Recreate a 3D object as real as it is currently possible" as part of my self-practice-challenges. |

Gracias por su apoyo y paciencia | Thank you for your support and patience |

That didn't turn out too bad :)
UV unwrapping can be a bit of a pain in the system, it's one of those things you just have to keep doing. The boxy shape that you have there would have actually been pretty easy to learn off, all you're doing is making seams which are like little cuts so that your model flattens out nicely.
Then into a painting program you go and paint your texture. I think some of them can connect to Blender so you can see what's going on live but it's been a long time since I worked like that, I just bought BPainter because it was easier.
Did you mess around with the scale of the procedural texture? Sometimes you have to make it surprisingly large or small to get the shape/pattern you want. Still not bad though :)
I've been practicing a bit with Krita to do the textures, but I'm further behind on that program.😨
In terms of knowledge of handling in terms of procedural texture, this time I did not mess with the scale as much as I did on other occasions because in some cases, especially when combining noise nodes with voronoi texture, I noticed that in some occasion ended up nullifying the effects he had achieved when he manipulated the scale.🤔
So this time I just touch the rotation a bit using the keyboard shortcut: ctl T from node wrangler which generates a set of nodes that allows me to manipulate the scale, rotation and location of the texture map😗
I must continue learning much more But nothing in the learning process is instantaneous, so I must practice and look for material that teaches me and helps me improve.👩🎓
Yes often combining nodes for procedurals is a lot of fiddling around. You have the right attitude :)
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