#MarchMunchieMonday 🍰 HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY! 🍰 Love, CWH!

in Creative Work Hour β€’ 3 days ago (edited)

Charlie Brown from Peanuts Comics by Charles Schultz.
He represents an excited @andysporring, our Week 1, 2025 March Munchie Monday winner.

Let's celebrate year two of March Munchie Monday!

Creative Work Hour sends a Happy First Cake Day πŸŽ‚ to @bitterirony's fun-filled, if not cream-filled idea, that he concocted the first weekend of March last year for the Creative Work Hour (CWH) Hive community.

January can prove a bit to navigate, what with the results of Holiday habits sneaking up on us as they do. February can give us the most extreme temps and weather conditions (cue, "In The Bleak Mid-Winter"). But March? It ain't Spring yet, so what can we do?

@bitterirony's solution: Let's Play a Game!


Here's how the Munchie Monday game works

β€ŒFirst, whoever shows up in the live online Creative Work Hour co-working session for check-in can opt-in to play. As an example let's have our favourite Peanuts characters come to CWH on a March Munchie Monday. @bitterirony whips up a simple spreadsheet like this one.

CleanShot 2025-03-03 at 23.42.18@2x.png

IMG_0523.jpeg Next, @bitterirony rolls his 10-sided randomiser die that coincides with the names and position numbers on the spreadsheet.

What's so exciting about that?

Well, there's the rub! The crew that attends the live CWH sessions are like the rest of Hiveians. They live in timezones all over the world. Most days we have creatives sitting in 6 different timezones across several nations.

Part of the fun is seeing if @bitterirony can receive the vital information from the winner on a direct message, in today's case was @andysporring! But, @bitterirony is in New York and @andysporring is in Stockholm. Just think of all the challenges the stand between Andy and his Munchie!!

There is timezone, country, language, online app purchasing, and the delivery service. Oh! To make it harder to fulfill Andy's munchie wish, Bitter has gotten "cute" and also offered to get munchies for Andy's pets.

Did Andy, Suni & Soli 🐱 🐱 get their March Munchies?


Indeed! As Tuesday is Selmor Day in Sweden, Andy's wish came true and the kitties', too!

Also, we learned some Swedish along the way.
Cat treats = cat goodies = Kattgodis (in Swedish) 😸

Lucky for @bitterirony and the rest of the CWH crew, he gets 4 for Mondays this month to grant Munchie wishes.

These creatives in da haus today could be next March Munchie Monday's winner!

🎲 @bobbie0122 🎲 @bobbyb58 🎲 @dr-timeka 🎲 @gregscloud 🎲 @shadowspub 🎲 @wailing.fong 🎲 @alessandrawhite

Of course, you don't need to wait until Monday to hang-out and co-work with us. Join us every week, any day.

You can Find us on CWH Discord and visit Creative Work Hour to learn more.

Here's to a Happy March to all our Hive friends, whereever you are.

Much love! πŸ˜‹

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Β 2 days agoΒ (edited)Β 

LOL! The challenges Devin was in for weren't small ones, I congratulate him on using his Swedish skills on top of his other skillsets! The Semlor was Excellent, and we're saving the cattreats for the weekend! Thank you @bitterirony

Β 2 days agoΒ Β 

How did I manage to butcher the name of the famous Swedish treat?

Allow me to repair that, @andysporring...🀫 Maybe don't tell Miriam!

Time zone? Language? Exotic hooman and animal treats? Get at me!

Β 2 days agoΒ Β 

You, oh wise one, got cute, didn't ya? πŸ˜‚