Woman's History Month Day 3: Leah Chase

in Creative Work Hour3 days ago (edited)

Women's History Month intends to honor, inspire, educate, unite and promote women in the face of forces intent on subjugating and silencing them. It is about those who overcame overt and imbedded assumptions and prejudice to be their best selves. RGB said it well:

“I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.”


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(The image is property of the author, after I'd enjoyed a great meal with her and friends.)

Chef, community leader, civil rights activist.
The Queen of Creole Cuisine & co-owner of Dookie Chase's restaurant.
James Beard Lifetime Achievement Winner.
Inspiration for the lead character in Disney’s movie “Princess & the Frog”.

And that just skims the surface.

Leah was a force to be reckoned with, whether it was creole cooking, civil rights, or encouraging the best from those around her. To be at her restaurant on Good Thursday for her amazing gumbo z’herbes was an experience to behold, if you could get a ticket a year in advance.

She rose from a common story in the poor south with solid family influences to community prominence on the back of strong will and beliefs that everyone should have the opportunity to live respectfully, provided they did the same for others.

She and husband Dookie opened Dookie Chase's as a sandwich shop and convenience store in 1939. Two years later, they evolved it into a restaurant that offered the rare upscale dining experience to the segregated black community. People were served their plates meals on clothed tables, regardless of their status or appearance. It became a key meeting place for the civil and economics rights movements in the African-American community, with the walls adorned with artwork from black artists. In 2025, the restaurant was named one of six James Beard America's Classic winners, given to the most prestigious and beloved restaurants with timeless appeal.

Leah remained active in local politics throughout her life, and served on numerous boards and committees. Given her influence and community standing, Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama each ate with her, as did a litany of black musicians and entertainers from all genres.

I had the pleasure of meeting and dining with Leah a few times. She even let me in her kitchen. You always knew where you stood with Leah, and she always made sure we departed as friends.
The list of awards and recognitions she’s received in deservedly lengthy, and can be found at the following:

A great video that encompasses the history and impact of her and her restaurant can be found here:

And then, there's the Disney movie, "The Princess and the Frog", inspired by her amazing story. What a life; what a gift to all of us.

#womenwhoinspireme #womenshistorymonth #leahchase