but if its registering some kind of knowledge of it - whether or not its known HOW exactly.
it still seems supernatural and clairvoyant.
or else - what is it?
advanced knowledge has some kind of power.. be it heart, brain, or spirit.
its tapping into SOMETHING other than the natural.
some kind of crossover from the natural realm to the supernatural - (in my opinion)
these things are always fascinating to me - but the danger I guess is... if it IS a cross over from the natural to the supernatural... is it a gateway that could lead to harm. sometimes those paths start out benign to lure a person in with trust, and a complacency... you know?
i know this is way beyond what you're talking about - hahahaha just a rabbit trail that i find interesting (and scary too!) hehehe
I hear you. I'd like to think that God embedded something special in our hearts that allows us to sense and feel and love so deeply, both humanity and Him 💗🙏 but yes... sensible to have a healthy awareness of all possibilities.