I installed the stand-alone version of AI Dungeon and gave a spin. Apparently it implements GPT-2, a technology I have mentioned previously.
Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/HauxSOFvh6k
Generating story...
You are Umiemma, a knight from the country of Hamma. You have a lance and a shield.
You are going on a crusade to rescue the count of Larion from the nefarious beast's castle. You set out towards a gloomy cavern that should take you there.
As you approach, you hear a faint sound like a gurgling or bubbling. It is coming from somewhere in the darkness. The sounds grow louder as you get closer. They seem to be coming from the ground. Then they stop
examine the area
You look around and see nothing but darkness. You think about your previous experiences with the dark and how it can be very frightening. But then you remember that you were once scared too when you first came here.
Suddenly, you feel a presence behind you
turn around
You turn around and find yourself face to face with a large black creature. Its body is covered with long hair and its eyes are red and bloodshot. Its skin is pale and it has a massive mouth filled with sharp teeth
jump clear of the creature
You jump back as far as you can and then prepare for battle. The creature moves forward and you raise your lance in preparation for battle. It charges at you and you swing your sword and..
run away
You quickly move backwards and duck under the creature's attack. You manage to get out of range before it bites into you. You hear the creature roar and charge after you. You don't know where you are or what is going on anymore. You just want to go home
shout at the creature.
You scream at the creature and it turns around. It looks like it wants to kill you again, but this time it doesn't charge in. Instead it stops and stares at you. It seems to be wondering if you will continue to try to escape or if you will stay and fight
wave sword
You wave your sword and the creature lets out a growl and charges towards you. You grab your lance and prepare to defend yourself against this new enemy
bang sword against shield so that sparks fly out and scare the creature
You bash your sword against the shield and the sparks fly out and frighten the creature. You stand up and watch the creature approach you. You can sense its hatred and anger burning inside it. You wait until it gets close enough and then swing your lance at it
get all stabby
You swing your lance and hit the creature right in the chest. It falls over dead. You take a moment to breathe and collect yourself before continuing.
go deeper into cavern
You walk further into the cave and eventually come across another doorway. This one leads to a small room with some torches hanging from the ceiling. There is also a table with food on top of it.
get torch
You grab the torch and put it on the table. You then sit down and eat your meal. After eating, you notice that you have been feeling hungry lately. You wonder why you haven't had any meals recently. Then you realize that you haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon
go deeper into cavern
You head deeper into the cave and soon reach a large cavern. In the center of the cavern there is a hole in the ground. A ladder lies nearby and you climb down it. You descend deeper and deeper into the cavern until you finally come to a large cavern
examine large cavern
You walk closer to the entrance of the cavern and notice that it is surrounded by a thick wall made of stone. On the other side of the wall is a huge door. You wonder what kind of creatures live in these caves and you decide to investigate.
open huge door
You open the door and step through. You enter a large cavern and you immediately notice that it is pitch black inside. You look around and see nothing but darkness. You think about your previous experiences with the dark and how it can be very frightening
go deeper into cavern
You keep walking and soon come to a large cavern. Inside the cavern is lit by torches hung from the ceiling. There is a table with food on top of it and several people sitting around it.
look for secret passage
You look around and see no obvious way to sneak past them. They seem to be watching you intently. You decide to go ahead and ask them for help.
"May I have some help, please?"
Terminated: 15

At this point, my CPU started to spike. This is not surprising. Assuming that this really is GPT-2, the processing requirement might be pretty high.
There might be ways to stabilize it better using CUDA to assist, so I'm going to look into that. I also need a way to activate Google Drive so that it can save the results. For this run, I just did a copy/paste of the terminal. Ideally, I'll have a way to store the whole scenario.