A lot of beauties laid around us. From smaller things to the biggest ones. All we need to do is to find them with the necessary devices. Camera is one of the devices that is able to bring them to the surface, just like I did when I had spare time. I used a stay home opportunity to come around my neighborhood where I could possibly find the little creatures.

From the outside look, this fly is a bit scary and it is believed as a disease carrier. Forget about that, enjoy the beauty side that they have

I believe they are having a good time. A male is straddling up while its lover stays calm under. They don't care about me, because life is too short to care about people

That how they look from the right side. Seriously, they did not even notice me. What I can say, while having a good time like this, makes them forget about what is happening around and they totally don't know they are being exposed.

Camera | Nikon D7000 |
Category | Close Up Photography |
Lens | VR II AFP 18-55mm |