I had originally planned to write up some thoughts on the soft-fork, but everything I had to say has been voiced and so this one is more about some more personal Steem news that took place today.
Although not really a matter to joke about, I feel an opportunity has been missed to write about the happenings that brought about the soft-fork, something along the lines of......
Hey Ned, it's me Justin, we met at the club last week....
Oh hi Justin, how's things?
Well, I was thinking about what you were saying about Steemy, and its highly decentralized nature...
It's Steem - the blockchain, STEEM, the currency, and Steemit Inc, the company I own. No 'Steemy', save that for the club, but carry on..
I like Steemy, and I'd like to by your company, including all the stake you mined.
You wan't the mined stake? They won't let you use it and threatened to freeze it while I was powering some down last year - what do you want to do this for? I mean, I'll happily sell, i'm bored of Steem and have some other plans for world domination.
Well Ned, what I'm going to do is test the network. I'm going to put out some news regarding shipping Steem to Tron, I'm going to vote some witnesses in on Tron with my majority stake, and just generally do some shit that will see what these Steem witnesses are all about.
Then I will truly know if this chain is solid, and one I can invest into.
Well crazy horse, that's a brave approach, good luck, 10 mill?
Yeah so that probably didn't happen... just a thought :)
Anyway, onto the main business of this post. Guess who just bought some more STEEM to reach 50,000 vested earlier this evening?

Brave, stupid, or buying when others are fearful at the beginning of a bull market? We shall see.
There are so many ways to gamify Steem, even in a bear market. Like this one ....

It's called drain your RCs by claiming accounts and see how low you can go. Myself and Taraz have been taking part for a while now, and this is the top score so far.

During the past couple of years I've degated SP to quite a lot of accounts, and all but a couple (curangel, misterengagement) have been without direct financial reward.
adollaraday, amariespeaks, arteem, asapers, barge, bashadow, beerlover, beeyou, binkyprod, blazing, brittandjosie, buckaroo, c-cubed, chireerocks, cicisaja, coinsandchains, comedyopenmic, creyestxsa94, cryptkeeper17, crypto-econom1st, c-squared, curangel, curie, davemccoy, delega, downthehabithole, drugwars-dealer, dustbunny, dustsweeper, enjar, eveningart, foxyspirit, friendsofgondor, fullcoverbetting, gillianpearce, glenalbrethsen, halcyondaze, headchange, helpie, ivoted, janton, johndoer123, leeart, lpessin, lynncoyle1, markangeltrueman, maverickinvictus, melinda010100, melvadg, minnowbuilder, minnowsupport, mirrors, misterengagement, mitneb, moneyinfant, mountainjewel, mrday, naditinkoff, newageinv, ofildutemps, openmic, osm0sis, ourfreesociety, pifc, pruebas, reazuliqbal, rentmoney, spaminator, steemflagrewards, steemitworldmap, stevenwood, themanwithnoname, themobilewriter, thewritersblock, utopian-io, veryspider, yogajill, youarehope.
There are a reasonable amount of the above accounts still active, and considering most of the delegations were made a year or two ago, I think the SP boost early on has helped with retention. Thanks for sticking around!
I've also managed to vote for quite a lot of accounts with my main account and the tribe related alts - 11498 so far, and I hope that number rises in the coming months.
My vote weight history (excluding downvotes) looks reasonable, but I'm not sure without other charts to compare (fancy a pie-chart anyone?). I do think my own account being 3rd in the list isn't particularly awesome, but at least it's not the biggest slice - 'everyone else' taking that by a distance.

The tribes have helped build my SP, and I'm about 5000 STEEM 'up' from Steem-Engine as well as holding a reasonable number of tokens like STEM and SPORTS. I'm looking forward to SMT and hope that some tribes choose to migrate so's to take advantage of things like the steempress plugin, and be able to market directly to sites in which their niche token would sit best.
I want to say thank you to everyone who's still around, those who support my content, those who secure the chain, and those that make me laugh each day.
I don't think I an beet the low RC score....
Congrats on the 50K! but remember you need 100K vested to be an Orca:
You think 10 Million for Steemit Inc and an ill-gotten stake?
I have delegated to quite a few also, but unsure how many are still active, especially among those that I onboarded. Galen has done okay though :)
I think when it comes to lifetime voteweight, I might be pretty high on my own list, but then I haven't SV'd for near on a year I think now.
Congrats again on the great milestone - see you at the top of Steem School!!!
Is it 100k now, ffs! :)
Yeah I did hear Galen was doing quite well %-wise, none of the 6/7 I onboarded are writing but some are still vested.
ha :D I'm a slow learner but will listen intently for any pearls......
100K vests, it is about 51500 Steem I think :D
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @tarazkp you have received from @abh12345!
Dude! The supreme leader of the steem school is going to San Francisco, while you guys are loitering around!
Anyone have an address, I need to give a contract? Never mind, I think I will just invite @galenkp he will do the job for free, and probably will give me a finders fee!
It’s a shame he’s not sharing his knowledge in the UK anytime soon, I feel like I’m missing out!
I'm of the strong belief that one should only type in whale sounds once they achieve orca-hood.
translated into Orca (Northwestern Atlantic dialect):
Whaaoaoooooooooooaoaoo Ahrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooo Whiieeeeeaooooooohhhhhhwhw
Damn it. I only speak Pacific Whale.
I'm still around, and your delegation helped me to get to 500SP minnow status, and now I am well on my way to dolphin, slightly less than a couple hundred off from 2800SP, I know things seem uncertain, and I am not real happy with current events, but still here. Stuff changes, people either grow or mold. I still think FUD is fun.
Ah yes Hard fork 19 and everyone will be able to create accounts for free. I am still glad I did not believe it then and got my two free accounts before the initialization of the HF. One year later, and I still can not create a free account. At least I am half way to being able to do so.
Glad to help a little on your journey, our journey I guess :)
I have a load of claims and (although it didn't work today when I tried) I can sort you out an account if you have a name. Message me on discord if and when.
Right now, I really don't. I do still have one account token left, my second account sits as a voting account only right now, so not sure what I would do with a third, even though I have a token to make one.
Fair enough. I was thinking of just cross-posting with an account - tidying up 😁
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @bashadow you have received from @abh12345!
Hot flaming donkey shit!!! Are you an Orca now? HAve you joined the ranks of us who must not be named?? :OD
Awesome biscuits dude!
Well I thought I had until Taraz mentioned that you now need 100,000k SP and sent us all back to the sea of Dolphins! :O
Cheers though, it's been a ride!
HEhe, he only means vests though doesnt he? It means you are only a wee bit shy SP wise, a thousand odd? I cant quite remember the calculation
The ride continues!!!! :O)
Not sure to be honest but happy with this round number. Buckle up, which way we going?!
To the
SUNMOON of course! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!ENGAGE 25
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @meesterboom you have received from @abh12345!
Okay, first off, that imagined conversation was hilarious. Well played. Also, I'm glad you're still here. (((hugs)))
I'm glad I'm still here to see that funky orange hat if nothing else. Thanks Katrina!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @katrina-ariel you have received from @abh12345!
(almost) Orca coming through!?
Buying more, despite the controversy. Brave move.
Good job mate, congratz.
Unsure of the exact amount but 50000 looks nice enough for now :)
Brave or dumbass, only one way to find out. Cheers!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @smasssh you have received from @abh12345!
I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . thanks so much for that SP in the the early days. It made a huge difference, along with the engagement league to having a fun experience here.
I'm not active in the way I once was but I'm still here, waiting to see what happens next.
Whatever that is it's been a fun ride and I've enjoyed all the great people (yourself high on the list) that I've met here. 💙
aww thanks Gillian :)
The extra couple of STEEM those delegations would have 'cost' me have been made up for so many times over by the thanks i've gotten for such small gifts in the grand scheme of things.
Good to see you are still knocking around, you beat me in a SM battle the other day and so I'm seeking revenge :P
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @gillianpearce you have received from @abh12345!
Congrats Ash! That is the milestone I've had on my radar forever, lol. I have been picking up and vesting STEEM throughout the bear market, but only little pieces as I'm pretty wiped out from the crypto winter.
I've bought Sooooo much above $2... hell, I picked up plenty of $4 STEEM. And yeah, for a long time I just wiped crypto out of my mind, partitioned it off, as it were, for my own peace.
You mentioned in another comment you wish for more returnees to the community. I do, too. The poetry side of things has always been small in comparison to crypto-related content, and it feels a bit like a ghost town around these parts much of the time.
But, I've made the decision to view whatever I have or don't have in STEEM as "extra".... that is, not to think of it as income but in terms of a gift economy. Actually, I'm not entirely sure that's smart, since I've tended to continuously give away votes, my time, and energy and then get into a position where I can't pay food/rent.
There's being selfless... and then there's being stupid. At the same time, we can't take anything monetary out of this world with us. What's important is experiences, relationships, growth. Anywho, I may be digressing. But congrats again and glad there's people like you who have stuck it out. Cheers.
Thank you - It's been a long haul but finally :)
Buys at $2 and $4 must hurt and put you in two minds if to throw good money after 'bad' or not. I just can't resist down here and am grateful I had no fiat when STEEM was much higher.
I think many niche communities have/are suffering, there just aren't the numbers and I think the communities to be with (if the interest is there) are the ones with the SP backing - v4vapid and deep-dives is one.
Yeah, as much as I'd like the former at some point, i've seen Steem as the latter for most of my time here. However, if you are missing food to gift, then perhaps a reassessment needs to happen!
Thanks for the kind comment!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @d-pend you have received from @abh12345!
My friend you davemccoy and simplymike are 99 percent of the reason i stayed. you are an amazing community member...
as for the conversation above...that is a very interesting take on it...and you may be right. rich(successful) people are generally preety smart....and that scenario may well be very correct.
Ahh thanks John, that's good for me to hear :)
Hopefully we'll be rewarded for grafting away these past couple of years, good luck to you.
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @johndoer123 you have received from @abh12345!
congrats Ash
Cheers Michael!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @michealb you have received from @abh12345!
50k bay bay! I hope they freeze your stake, don't you dare think of powering down. We clearly need more big dick swingers around here to flex on the chain and shape it in various directions and not only in a few peoples vision of what this place can be.
haha :D Too soon buddy, too soon!
I'm more of a grower than a show-er, but happy with what I have. Just waiting for those not happy with proceedings to buy 50 million off the exchanges now :D
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @chekohler you have received from @abh12345!
Wow! That's an impressive list of account delegations.. And Kudos to you for supporting all of those people who in turn supported others, so on and so forth. Even if I do not get a noticeable return on my delegation, it makes me feel goo that it's being put to good use. Like @curangel. I see what the curate and am pretty in line with that.
Also A BIG THANKS for investing in steem and thus SP!! Being an active participant on the blockchain, it's nice to see investment happening. I feel not so alone on that front now. I appreciate your trust in steem. For what it's worth, I'm right there with ya!
As for the funny stuff at the beginning, I was thinking that this was a pretty good possible scenario. Sounded real good to me.. I laughed at the "Steemy" part. The "tumbleweed" was an awesome addition to the story! I lost it just about then.. hahaha.
See ya around the chain @abh12345 :-D
Thanks very much for the kind comment @bdmillergallery! I'll not forget to send !ENGAGE 50 your way :)
It's really nice to have that in my history, and even though the amounts weren't huge, they were useful at the time.
Good to hear there are others i've not bumped into yet who are keeping the faith - I'm forever hopeful there is more to come here.
Yes Yes! Me too. Very hopeful. Nice to meet ya :-) Cheers!
Thank you for the ENGAGE too!! I appreciate them. I can't remember if it was your or bashadow that I told.. I am trying to buy some so I can also start recognizing great comments with a little something worth the while :-)
My pleasure :)
Yeah the vote is tiny, although will move the comment up past and no-votes, and ENGAGE is at least worth something!
It's also fun. Like me, they will wonder what is this and dig a little and possibly ENGAGE and make new friends.. they'll steem! lol
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @bdmillergallery you have received from @abh12345!
Funny write up! We will never know how it exactly went, maybe the meeting between Sun and the witnesses will make some things more clear!
Congrats on the milestone. You are a true example as steemian!
Why are you and @tarazkp claiming accounts? What's the purpose of it besides draining the RC?
I always have been gratefull for the SP you did delegate to me. Probably this indeed kept me out of the retention charts!
Keep on steeming!
Then one day when I have the opportunity, I can onboard a large group of users directly, for example, the entire company I work for.
That for explaning why. Looks like a great thing to do with the unused resource credit. Just tried to do the same because I like the idea and reasoning behind it, but guess I will have to wait some more moons, because I don't have enough resource credits yet :(
they vary in RC "price" and normally it is about 5-6000 SP to make a claim, depending on demand.
I am almost at 6K SP so I will have to try again somewhere next week.
Thx for the info!
No worries.
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @tarazkp you have received from @fullcoverbetting!
Cheers Peter - I could have happened, but the chances are small :)
Well the RC is back to full in 4 days or so, so why not? It's impossible to use it any other way at present.
Very happy to hear this, cheers!
Just tried to do the same. Maybe I can use some claimed accounts to get people on board in the Gambling Community when it has enough content. But it failed. Need to power up some more steem I guess, because I am only 600,0000,000,000 RC shy of being able to claim an account :)
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @abh12345 you have received from @fullcoverbetting!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @fullcoverbetting you have received from @abh12345!
Look at you! You're the 430th best buddy on the blockchain! Well done dude!!
Plenty of buddies ahead of me then! Although I notice that only accounts for active SP (46k) and so I could sneak up a bit more with the 'real' ratings?
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @aussieninja you have received from @abh12345!
great post Asher, it made me laugh. I can nearly hear justin and ned having that chat.
And woot woot, nice work on the 50sp. I hope you remember me when your rich. Actually forget that, I hope we get to meet on steemy island becuase I hope to be rich too one day . Just dont invite Ned and Justin :-)
Thanks Paula!
Would love to have listened into the deal that took place on Steemy island. When are you joining the 50k club? :)
The 50k club, rub it in why dont ya. Maybe I should try sell the kids, then I could not only riase cash but also have money left over every week. Then I could join ya. I only need 11k sp.
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @paulag you have received from @abh12345!
And so close to becoming an Orca.
Go @abh12345, Go! 👯💃👯💃👯💃
I'm not even sure the amount i need these days, thanks @arcange!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @arcange you have received from @abh12345!
I literally just hit the power down button. I don't know why stop stressed maybe about upcoming travels and overworked trying to support hit people here on Steam. I will likely stop powering down later this afternoon. It's a fun game I play where I laugh at myself for being an idiot. Just letting you know I am taking a little break whilst I am in India so those pesky self boats might stick because I won't be around to take them off my scheduled posts. Anyway this is likely bulshit as I will probably be stealing from some hotel room somewhere in Northern India. I have had two people from natural medicine with fairly large delegation take them away this week because they are powering down. I found it a little sad to be honest. You do well with steam engine. I have get to learn a few tricks but I guess I am so busy with other things on Steam that I haven't had a chance to really think about how to run an alt or twenty.
I powered down the other week and have added it back with interest. Who knows what's in store - it feels like a sell up or buy more week/month to me :)
Enjoy your travels and don't worry about the trail selfies!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @riverflows you have received from @abh12345!
Hey, @abh12345.
Happy 50,000 SP.
You didn't use the term Orca, though, so I suppose that means you'll make another announcement when you hit that, since technically the bar has been raised to 51,000.5? :)
Thanks Glen :)
Is it 51k now? Well I'm glad I didn't use the term now, but not long to go I guess. I might save the announcements for the round number milestones - for consistency of course.
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @glenalbrethsen you have received from @abh12345!
Looks good I wish I had the chance to have 50.000 SP.
Also if you are interested in supporting the Bulgarian community that I’m trying to build can check my video here ->
Posted using Partiko iOS
Everyone has the chance, but it is years of work for those who cannot invest. I will have a listen :)
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @calisthenicsdrop you have received from @abh12345!
Well done Asher - leading by example - a total credit to the community. Do you know where you stand in Terms of SP Holding Rank? Top 200?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks mate, very kind :)
Well the new profile page shows the SP rank, and I'm 440 odd - although it seems not to include SP delegated out.
Very good, very good. I just landed in the Top 1000. Checkout my latest post (kind of analysis post) on ninja mining if you have time..... it’s right up your street......i miss utopian.io ...dont you!? Cheers
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @cryptocurator you have received from @abh12345!
Base 10.
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @revisesociology you have received from @abh12345!
Never thought i'd make it but the price of Steem has given the opportunity - we'll see if buying 'down' here was sensible or not.
Cheers! !ENGAGE 25
Well Justin may have to buy a little more, which could keep the price buoyant.
I'm glad you're on steemy and also that I am able to confidently say that I made it somewhere into the grey section of the chart through gaining some votes for you.
Cheers mate. Keep steemying on.
Thanks Galen, Steemy on :)
I am steemying on Asher...What else is there to do but embrace the steemy! Lol. Have a great Friday my bro. Mine just started...Well, I got to work, turned on my desktop, opened my laptop and started steemying...Hey, it's Friday! No work happens on Friday.
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @galenkp you have received from @abh12345!
Congratulations! Well played!
Thanks @geekgirl, when are you joining me? :)
I actually was motivated to catch up to you when I saw your post. But then I saw @tarazkp’s comment that 50k is not an orca level.
It is very close, but not quite as it works on Vests. Minnow is 1000 Vests (about 515 SP), Dolphin is 10,000 Vests (a bit over 5150 SP) and orca is 100,000 Vests (about 51,500 SP).
The next step is a little further away.... 1M vests or 500K for whale :)
Ah ok. I thought you meant 100k SP. Now I am motivated again. :)
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @geekgirl you have received from @abh12345!
That was a nice conversation. 😀😅 And, Congratulations @abh12345.
I just realized that I need 44k more SP to reach your total SP. But by the time I reach there, you would be somewhere around 500k. 😉😛
I'll never reach 500k but you can always get to 50k in time I think!
Thanks for the tokens. 😉
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @bala41288 you have received from @abh12345!
The convo is hilarious, but made me think! Hmmmm.. 🤔
Thank you for sticking around and for being brave when everything seems shaky. And for supporting many brave fellows as well.
Thank you for the tip sir. 😊
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @gingbabida you have received from @galenkp!
Congrats Mr.Orca!
You have done very well around here. Certainly well deserved.
I've been fortunate and 'worked' hard too - also bought a fair amount these past few months. Thanks!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @abitcoinskeptic you have received from @abh12345!
Gratz! Cheers to many more fun and interesting years ahead.
Thanks, I'll cheers to that :)
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @enjar you have received from @abh12345!
Mocking up time 🤣
Funny moments to dabble about. This quite looks like a book to me... when's chapter 23? =)
Some time over the next few years I hope!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @forykw you have received from @abh12345!
Hope you are not thinking to stop posting man, your "thank you" seems like a bye bye ;-)
Maybe when there's another 0 on the end, sooo, never! :D
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @toofasteddie you have received from @abh12345!
Congrats on the 50K. Great investment, imho
Thank you, I hope so!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @robertandrew you have received from @abh12345!
50k is a milestone, congratulations!
Indeed. When it takes others many years to reach the 50k SP mark, then some vest it in a single click. That's awesome.
Posted via Steemleo
Thank you!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @pardinus you have received from @abh12345!
Ahhh...shush you!!
Can't shush a Steemian!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @karinxxl you have received from @abh12345!
Such a damn boss right there! 🙌🏼
Posted using Partiko iOS
Stackin likes a gamble, when are you joining me? :D
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @stackin you have received from @abh12345!
Nice Steemies bro
Love those Steemies and they will grow :)
Justin Sun pooped in my cereal bowl and it left a bad taste in my mouth 😂😠🙈
That's unfortunate. I got a pick n flick in mine :/
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @alexvanaken you have received from @abh12345!
It's too bad steem is dropping like a rock :( Sucks
It's dropping after getting massively pumped by the news of steemit getting acquired. It's not too far from where it was before that and the whole crypto market is down today.
Most coins got a big pump recently too but steem was unable to sustain much of it's gains, it looks weak
I believe a lot of people started powering down when steemit was sold. We'll see what it looks like in a few weeks
Getting this from users like you encourages us newbies to see a future in steem. THis encourages a lot.
Posted via Steemleo
bravo....@abh12345 you are really doing a very awesome job...an applause to you.....
Posted via Steemleo
@tipu curate
A huge hug from @amico! 🤗
0.26529525 TRDO0.17686350 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @amico, you successfuly trended the post shared by @abh12345! @abh12345 will receive & @amico will get
"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"
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Thanks amico :D
Can't tell if you are automating these or dropping in manually with a message - thanks though!
Congratulations. That's an interesting number. I'm sure you have a lot of good things ahead of you. I hope you can continue to contribute in the best way to the chain.
Thanks, I hope we all do :)
Well done 😊 Must feel good!
Thank you! Yeah I has, although I was a bit early on the buy button!
If it didn't go like that, it totally should have..
haha yeah :) Unlikely but you never know!
Oh, how I wish I could claim accounts for my friends, community and family. Maybe one day. In the meantime, I am doing what I can with what I got
I think you need around 5000 SP to have enough RCs in the tank to claim an account.
If you find me on discord I'll give you a couple. You can then change the master password, wait a month, and then change the recovery account.
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Hi @abh12345!
Your UA account score is currently 6.498 which ranks you at #172 across all Steem accounts.
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that's a lot of SP! and me thinking that my 500 was a nice number ajjajaajaj
500 is the first milestone, keep going :)
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following categories:Congratulations @abh12345!
I have never bought into Steem and I most definitely don't plan on doing it.
I see :)
TYOP halfway through: "you 'wan't'", just FYI
Interesting post still! :) *Upvote
Can't believe I pointed out a typo and spelt it like "tyop" 🤦🏼♂️fml
I was a bit confused :)
Now i gotta find the typo!
Congratulations, Asher!
You really are putting your money where your mouth is!!
I loved that imaginary conversation. Oh to be a fly on those walls... Mind you, that would probably be a major infestation....
I am hanging around just doing the ostrich thing until things settle.
Actions speaking louder than words and all that.
You didn’t see Ned/Justin underground doing the ostrich as well did you? 😊