At the end of last week, an email was sent to all employees at my place of work, detailing their policies in relation to the governments 'unprecedented' scheme of economic support to avoid mass redundancies in the UK.

source - pixabay
Under the Scheme, employers can apply for HMRC to reimburse 80% of the salaries of employees who have been ‘furloughed’ rather than made redundant due to the pandemic (up to a maximum of £2,500 per employee per month for an initial three-month period).
Although this cap doesn't concern me as I don't earn enough, my company has also chose to waiver this and top-up salaries that fall below. Being 'furloughed' also has no effect on holiday allowance, and pension contributions (at the reduced %) are still made by the employer where applicable.
I read through the email and attached guide carefully over the weekend, and wondered how keen the company was to 'push' some employees onto the scheme, bearing in mind that output is likely to be lower, and the wage bill being one of the largest overheads.
This morning we had our daily Skype meeting and following the on-going tasks discussion, the IT director stepped in to mention the email and offer himself up for conversations with team members if they wished to discuss further. It sounded to me that the company was quite keen to Furlough a percentage of the workforce, certainly more keen that having to make staff redundant.
Following the call I sent him a message asking for a chat, but before I mention what was said....
My status is that I have completed just four months for this employer, and I am still on the probation period. The work relating to my role, prior to coronavirus, had started to arrive but in recent weeks it has been all hands to the pump, setting up 100's of staff members to work remotely. I'm the newest member of the team, bar a graduate on peanuts, and so...
When he answered the call I explained this to him. I, being new to the team and currently performing duties outside job specification (on a higher grade/pay than others), but still wishing to be employed and grateful for being so! - One of the 'risks' I had thought of was that in even putting half your hat in the ring would imply you weren't keen to work, or interested in the role.
Anyway, he appreciated that I'd opened the dialogue, and was very clear in that nobody's job was at risk, especially with Furlough as an option.
The company is now going to gather up some numbers - those who have put themselves forward (my name is half on the list as per the call), against how many they would like to be furloughed, and come back to staff, a presume, quite quickly.
So my questions are, would you have done what I did or kept your head down?
And, could you get by on 80% pay for 2/3/X months, being fairly confident your job was there where this bloody thing is over?
I suspect that we are quite fortunate to have this as an option in the UK - Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, are among other countries to adopt similar, but it's not the case all over....
My workplace is hiring ~2200 staff to keep up with demand.
We keep the Internet running though... :D
Nice! Yeah don't drop that ball, billions will be on your case :)
I wish I even had an option for a furlough.. As a freelancer working in music... Well, all concerts are cancelled for the foreseeable future. And we are just dumped with no commitments from employers or government. Oh well, at least I can teach online and our expenses are relatively low... So, there will be people worse off than us... But still, it sucks!
Yeah, 20% off pay doesn't sound so bad in comparison to what yourself and many have as an option - bugger all :(
I hope the online work and graft here can help a little, it's going to be a tough year.
Yep... we aren't the worst off... there are others that have more expenses than us that will end up sinking faster. It's going to be a rough year for everyone (mostly everyone... there are some who will do just fine or even better...).
Indeed. Some of my friends, now not commuting or paying child-minding fees, are saying they are a little better off at present. For the majority though, 2020 is going to be one to forget.
It sure is rough for all independents. I wish you much strength and resilience to get through these difficult times. Stay strong and take care💪
Thanks! It's pretty rough for everyone I guess, things still could be worse!
I'd have probably gone for it, given the additional insecurity of your being last in, and thus probably first out, to put it maybe a little bit too bluntly!
Isn't all this moot anyway, you'll be a crypto gaziollionaire by the time things are back to normal (in 2027).
Then again a gaziolline might not even buy you a loaf of bread by that point.
Here, take my wheelbarrow of cash for that slice of bread right there. It's no laughing matter really, as the Venezuelans can testify.
I was expecting Crypto to go bonkers due to this, nope!
Good to hear you would have potentially gone with it, I guess there is the chance to recoup a little here with 8 hours extra each day to think of something worthwhile to share.
It would be nice if it was actually a three month paid holiday, but I guess it's not going to work out like that for most employees!
Now there's more competition to keep yer job.
Crypto is so difficult to predict! This is why I dislike anyone claiming to be a crypto analyst. It's just gambling for the most part.
Competition? Pfft, that's it, throwing the towel in to do some crypto gambling.
You were the new kid on the block, the one most likely to be forced, if the company has to go that route, so yes calling and checking was a good thing to do. I would expect most companies to avoid lawsuits later down the road will work on a First-In last-out basis when it comes to needing to forcibly furlough people.
So expressing your concerns for the situation and trying to get and stay informed may have a beneficial effect later down the road for you.
Yeah that's a good point, it makes sense they would opt for FIFO(or furloughed) if they had to add to the tally of people who'd volunteered.
The boss is a decent chap, and hopefully being pragmatic about it has shone through the 'this lazy bugger, only just started here as well!' vibe :)
Some tough decision to be made for sure, the funny thing is this is going to show what management is made of! Many companies are going to implode from this because they’ll cut productive staff at the expense of keeping managers who are overpriced pencil pushers and when they realize the fuck up it will be too late and they’ll scramble for freelancers
Yes in a way it’s fortunate to have that option, naturally we won’t have it here with our shit currency and government and that’s sort of easier since the option is off the table!
I’m always skeptic of handouts especially government hand outs as they always come with strings attached you might not see it now but it always comes back In some shape or other!
Sadly lots of companies are going to shit the bed and the developed nations have cash to buy people’s complacency! I’m keen to see what happens in places that can’t, I feel like revolts are on the way
Yep, agree with that. The companies who keep the top heavy pencil pushers on, over the ones that actually deliver are in deep do-do if this goes on and on.
I think the strings behind this handout is that it could be coming out of pensions further down the line :/
General discontentment, I can feel it here and we are only a few weeks in. Hopefully it wont get that bad, but I have my doubts too.
Good luck! Did you nab some HIVE at 1300 earlier? Trading might be the bread and butter for the next few months!
You have a point with the pension also with the price inflation it might “save” some jobs but kill more through unintended consequences
Ah no I didn’t pull the trigger on HIVE been buying some other shit coins and Stacking BTC for the most part!
@abh12345 careful with being furloughed at work. From my understanding, from someone I know, who is knowledgeable of the process(UK). It makes it far easier for the company to not re-hire you at the end of the furlough period. You also give up a certain amount of rights that you would otherwise have. A lot of businesses will not rehire the same amount of staff as prior to the pandemic. The person I know very well has told me, this process of reducing their work force when the economy restarts is in planning phase... starting with those who are furloughed.
Hmmm, bummer. Makes sense though - starting 'back' with a reduced workforce.
Well I guess I only half-raised my hand, nothing official as yet. Will check through the correspondence again and read more on the topic, cheers.
I was talking about this today with the good lady. I would jump at the chance!!
I think if the budget was kept tight and you didn't go insane sitting at home with no essential duties, 20% off isn't terrible. Would be nice if they took 20% of the rent and other out-goings though!
Yeah, I was working it out and thinking with what I world have in travel etc it might be fine. I am going stir crazy as it is working from home full time!
Travel could gain a little back although it's a small % for me.
And yeah, I don't have a desk or office chair and my back come 4pm is giving me some serious shit!
I have been moaning about that to my boss. Trying to get them to agree to reimburse me for an office chair, lol!
Push for a new stapler as well.
Steady lad, they will throw the book at me if I go all in for a stapler!
I am just about to finish my probationary period and would like to be furloughed but it isn’t an option for any of the employees. In practice, the work has tailed off and as we work from home, it’s not too demanding. Being free to do as you please, with 80% pay and guaranteed work after lockdown sounds good unless you are on 100% pay with little work to do perhaps 💭
Sorry to hear this isn't an option for you, especially with you also still being in probation where I think the risk is highest.
I have some work to do, but do think I would accept an offer to help company finances (and hopefully return when things are better).
I think that we are going to be overloaded with work when all of this blows over my friend.
Many new souls will need support and we already have the highest un-employment figure in the world. Our country was also recently downgraded to junk status and I can see very dark clouds gathering on the horizon.
You did well to get your name into that guy's head, as many bosses only know the numbers and they consider all employees as numbers.
Wait and see what happens methinks!
Yes I think you are right - there could be jobs opening up all over as new and old companies take advantage of the space created.
That's all it was, a name in his head and an option. Time will tell as always, thank you :)
Thank you also and it is indeed time that will reveal all!
Governments will be paying this off for decades. I don't think everything will be good in 3 months, those already on it will get less.
In anycase, I like feeling important and it may be a fast pass to an early retirement.
For sure they will, out of our retirement pots perhaps?
Hey mate, firstly, and without the full details of course, I feel you did the right thing by sticking your hand up as you did; It shows character.
Anyway, before all of this broke I mentioned to the Director, I report directly to, that I will voluntarily take a pay cut for a period of time to help keep the company viable. This was prior to them announcing any cuts. I think it went a long way towards building some additional credibility.
A few days later the pay cuts happened and since then things have declined further. We have made some adjustments here at home, but it's been difficult considering my wife's income has now, since then, declined quite significantly.
Still, I don't regret my decision to get in early and volunteer.
I think we all need to do what we think is right at the time and for our own circumstances and sometimes that will work out fine, and at other times not.
I wish you all the best with it and feel you have made the right decision. A furlough is preferable to the alternative.
Tough times everywhere huh. That volunteering prior to the fact sounds like it could have put you in good stead, and given the bosses further ideas? :)
It did feel right to have a chat, and it went as well, if not better, than expected. Hopefully this will blow over fast enough, although I'm currently not so convinced.
I was already on tuna and couscous as well.....
Love me some tuna and couscous...But I get your point.
I'm hoping for a fast blow-over but not sure it'll happen.
As an aside, I head today the company accountant (pay lady) quit with a days' notice - Never bodes well for the reasons behind the exit. Today is payday too...Hmm.
I know her personally and sent a text as I didn't know she was quitting...She's responded but not with any reasoning although I'll find out at some stage. My bet is the pressure she was put under by the Directors to pay-drop everyone and their methodology behind doing so. Time will tell.
I hope I get paid today though...Tuna and couscous might seem like a glorious feast if i don't. I might be eating one of my boots. Lol.
I'd take that deal; then use the time to learn a new skill from home.
I've been developing a taste for probability recently. If I had a few months free and clear I'd really sink my teeth in, get a nice diploma to hang in the pool room :)
I think I'd just opt for getting better at Pool :)
Oh, and keeping busy on here as something to cover lunch money. Ok ok, I'd like to improve my Spanish!
In India, as of now, there are a number of people getting laid off because of the Business slowness. Though we have a retirement account, where we can withdraw around 75% of it whoever wants it.
I am not sure what will happen in the future but it will be hard days ahead.
Drawing on retirement funds sounds troublesome, but if it is the only option then so be it.
Tough days ahead, but I hope for better times too.
Yeah for many, its the only option. Let's see what will happen next, as of now we have seen tip of the iceberg
We discussed this offline; but the short answer, I will take a deal like this in a heartbeat, especially it is somewhat govt. sponsored.
Unfortunately here in the US we have no such deal, so most can't have an option like you were given. Typically one fine morning you are fired here, no question asked usually. So enjoy the privilege while you can :)
In the 3 months, you can do wondering in blogging, become a hive witness, hint, hint :) Learn python. Get a certification, which perhaps will make you more marketable. Maybe become a more qualified and happy person on the other end?!
Yes we did, and I think your 'take it' opinion probably influenced my decision to speak to the boss.
That is a daunting list, I thought Furlough meant I didn't have to do any work?!
Yes, there is no free lunch. So you unfortunately you have to work :)