You are currently at 16,132,306 characters for top level posts.
At 4.7 chars per word, that is 3,432,405 words :)
Sweet opening image that one!
You are currently at 16,132,306 characters for top level posts.
At 4.7 chars per word, that is 3,432,405 words :)
Sweet opening image that one!
I was going to go with 3,5M, but I took it down 10% to be sure I fell within :D
almost 35 300-page books in 3 years...
4 times more than me and 6 times more than kingscrown :)
Did you count all of Kingscrown's alts though?
A solid point. They could be close to you, although 90% bs/regurgitated words.
the dude is pathetic.