In May (2020), you authored 67 top level posts comprising of 339027 characters. You also entered 1167 comments onto the Hive blockchain totaling 246200 characters of text.
You used 7 different categories for your content and hive-174578 was the most popular, chosen 26 times.
The post titled What would you prefer, Short, Long or a Mix of content types on Hive? earned the most comments with 133 replies.
The post shared with the community the most was the-great-social-divide which was Resteemed 25 times.
In May, you cast 1326 votes, 5 of these were downvotes, and 0 votes were cast to self.
Your average vote weight (to the nearest whole number) in May was 25%.
Dear @tarazkp
You spoke to papilloncharity the most, leaving 76 comments and papilloncharity spoke to you the most with 115 comments.
You upvoted papilloncharity the most, 72 times, and chose to issue 3 downvotes to goodhello.
Last month, you transferred 0.000 HIVE to Hive-engine and withdrew 0.000 HIVE.
You earned 2212703.296761 VESTS via Curation, which is approximately 1136.223143 Hive Power.
And as an author, you earned 597.492000 HBD, 0.000000 HIVE, and 3450760.360884 VESTS (approximately 1771.965445 Hive Power) in May.
Finally, abh12345 (and his alts) upvoted you 118 times in May 2020!
Your most engaging post, the shortest one? :)
Pretty close this month with the character count between posts and comments though :)
The most comments, but may be the most engaging was the White Knight post that got flagged to zero :D 25 resteems isn't too bad on that social divide post either :)
Nice to see that goodhello is restrained for the time being, though interesting to see who does upvote.
I should probably review my curation habits - but I like upvoting comments :)
Upvoting comments is White Knight stuff :) Can't believe that post got zero'd for asking a question - too soon?
I should probably stop by goofyhello today actually...
I don't think there is such a thing for most of what happens on the internet.
No need, seems @darthknight is keeping an eye on it :)
Ahh, yes, good man :)
I suspect anyone who is a part of the theft is unlikely to be picking up much HIVE, and I wonder who else is trying.