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RE: Decentralized Hive Fund: Succes Stories Matter

in OCD5 years ago

Fair points and some useful info.

To be honest, I think the first run with adverts (Brave or not) should be viewed as mostly testing the waters. I wouldn't expect a huge success first time around and as long as what went well/not so well was being recorded, hopefully there would be an improvement next time around.

I'm not sure if Brave ads are being tailored to me but I am seeing a lot of 'earn by staking' and considering Brave users are being paid to consume, this feels like a good place to start.


All is not lost. Since the Brave proposal @roomservice has scored at least one homerun. I would definitely launch the proposal again, in tweaked version.

Add cost for A/B testing integration, maybe also for an illustrator. Some mock ads would definitely not hurt the proposal, and I would even go as far as already get a one-pager template from Themeforest and make a mock landing page, with hiveonboarding integrated.

I wouldn't expect a huge success first time around...

You would be amazed how much the success of a 6 months ads campaign can be tweaked. I’m not sure if Brave Ads offers the option to rotate multiple ads, but continuous A/B testing and tweaking copy can do wonders. After having looked slightly more in to Brave Ads since our last convo about it, I think it’s definitely worth a punt.

But keep in mind that 200HBD/day is fairly competitive compared to average demand of other proposals. It’s definitely not low, even if $6k total cost isn’t a lot (probably closer to 7-7.5k). People may expect more a “damn, this is a great opportunity” proposal rather than a “why not” feel. Also elaborate a little on how conversion will be tracked and how frequently updates will be provided.

This will now probably be helped by @roomservice’s growing track record. But that doesn’t change that we have a structural/cultural issue with the threshold for proposal approval.


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