Of course :)
In April (2020), you authored 61 top level posts comprising of 299629 characters. You also entered 1290 comments onto the Hive blockchain totaling 348370 characters of text.
You used 4 different categories for your content and hive-174578 was the most popular, chosen 45 times.
The post titled Engagement: Putting yourself in the picture earned the most comments with 85 replies.
The post shared with the community the most was the-challenge-and-reward which was Resteemed 4 times.
In April, you cast 1107 votes, 38 of these were downvotes, and 0 votes were cast to self.
Your average vote weight (to the nearest whole number) in April was 29%.
Dear @galenkp
You spoke to zacknorman97 the most, leaving 85 comments and zacknorman97 spoke to you the most with 100 comments.
You upvoted tarazkp the most, 33 times, and chose to issue 15 downvotes to samson37.
Last month, you transferred 0.000 HIVE to Hive-engine and withdrew 0.000 HIVE.
You earned 875463.887426 VESTS via Curation, which is approximately 448.500150 Hive Power.
And as an author, you earned 125.825000 HBD, 797.424000 HIVE, and 2287254.634915 VESTS (approximately 1171.760549 Hive Power) in April.
Finally, abh12345 (and his alts) upvoted you 90 times in April 2020!
The charts are looking super this month, solid stats all round sir!
Hmm, that blue line seems to be trending in the right direction after a down-trend in February/March. I wonder what happened there.
I just missed out on the 300K post-characters but 348,370 in comment-characters? Is that actually right? More characters in comments than posts? I'm not complaining of course, but considering my average word count in my posts is about 1000 and I post twice a day...I think this state surprise me the most.
It all looks good though, the stats...I'm glad you brought this back. It's great to know where I'm at. I wonder how mine compares to the hive average. No way of knowing I guess, but I'd be curious.
Yep, more in the commentary than on posts, which is rather impressive considering your char total in posts.
You'll have to check-in on others to compare - The closest match probably being Taraz!
Yeah, he'll smash me on all fronts I think. Little punk! Lol.
Not on engagement, although he does have a fair amount on his plate at present - perhaps more than us anyway.
Yeah, he's pretty busy for sure...i'll take the win for engagement over him then...I'll pin the medal on my own chest...It's all good. Lol.