I think it's fair to be weary of this guy, even though it does sound as if he's lost the plot a little or in dire need of social contact. Maybe you could go sit on the swing and flex your Finnish? :D
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I think it's fair to be weary of this guy, even though it does sound as if he's lost the plot a little or in dire need of social contact. Maybe you could go sit on the swing and flex your Finnish? :D
What a bizarre idea! lmfao.
Why would you, you know, go out and just talk to the chap, and suss it out from there?
(alternatively you can rely on 'the authorities' to come sort something out that may not actually exist in reality, for you'...Mmmmmm)
What a fearful and dark world some people inhabit.
Yep, likely harmless, but @smallsteps isn't going to play there alone - and I have warned the other parents I know
"Oletteko Pedo?"
I think that is the polite form ^
Yeah, probably just say nothing and watch over then :)
That'll make me the creepy one - and because I am foreign, the police will come :D
Could just be the mask?
Or the ball gag