Only 25% is being used, but people want the pool to grow. It could attract some stellar development teams, but it also increases the risks to non developers since we have absolutely no idea what it will be used to.
Unlikely, but you can start a proposal now and potentially get funded for several thousands of dollars a day within a matter of minutes if planned right. It takes me 13 weeks to power down, disagree and sell out.
I think tying HP to people is a huge mistake. It's no where near decentralized enough.
The dao was never meant to have the Steemit stake. It is currently being trickled into the Dao. Who even decided to put it in there? It was not a dpos based decision and it was not a democratic decision either. A few people who backed Hive decided to put it in there.
Doing anything else with it will be difficult a d this debate will not go away anytime soon. It's likely to split the community again.
I mean both decentralized and distributed. If hp isn't distributed power isn't decentralized, same same.
It will be decentralized enough when it doesnt come down to a handful of power players making all the decisions. Right now we aren't there. Do you think it is well distributed?
It will not be easy to burn the steemit stake. You mentioned it was for development. What %? How much development? Steemit roadmap was pretty much over with SMTs. Community can decide it now, but the dao is suddenly massive. This was never planned and could end badly. It creates uncertainty for investors and a potential bonanza for developers.
Starting a proposal to burn it is tough under these conditions. Maybe some will be burned, but I have my soubts since most people just see $$$. I hope your right about it not splitting the community again.
We now suddenly have an active giant decentralized endowment fund. Who decided to activate it? Basically it comes down to if you got hive, you agreed it would be active immediately.
I'm not saying it wasn't an improvement over steem, I'm saying we are on dangerous and unknown ground and some clarity and answers would be nice. I'm patient and I can wait.
Do you want to know who made these decisions? Exactly who supported them and who didn't? Why it was decided that an activated fund would be the default? Why it was necessary to avoid hardfork to activate it?
It seems like you are interested in foul language and censorship because I am challenging your opinions and thoughts. I'm sorry for not agreeing with you unconditionally amd a cepting that decisions were made behind closed doors for my own good.