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RE: How Does The Light Travel

in OCD5 years ago


Good info on light.

Do you have permission to use these photos?

You linked google search results for your images. Some may have copy right and original sources should be used. Copyright infringement is bad.

Please clean up your sources and do not just link imagine search engine results to avoid accusations of plagiarism.


I've searched it thoroughly. After checking all the copyrights than I've uploaded these pictures also I've shared their links too. These photos can be used by any person to make a point. I'll take care of it in the coming future and I'll try to post my own pictures! Thanks for your time to read my post :)

I'll take care of it in the coming future and I'll try to post my own pictures! Thanks for your time to read my post. I've replied humbly if you've read it :) No worries for the downvote I'll change the credits!

Thank you for fixing. But there are still issues.

Image 1 source seems good
Image 2 source is clearly not original source
Image 3 source does not grant permission to use any images

You obviously need practice.