It's quite fascinating the speed of evolution of AI the past year, it's something quite frightening to many but others are quite happy with the assistance it'll bring in their daily "digital" lives. I submitted a couple paragraphs on one of my posts the other day to chatgpt, bear in mind this is the free one of which I'm sure there's way better ones already in existence and available for a price, but the results were quite astounding as you can see for yourself:
Now I've never really been a great author nor advertises myself as such, lucky for me Hive doesn't just curate those neither as long as there's effort behind the posts it tends to be quite welcoming to just about anyone from anywhere which brings me to my main point of this post I've been asked by quite a few people to get out there to make certain things clear.
When it comes to curation, both from my side but also my curation project's part, effort is quite up there in requirements to receive curation. It's something I've said many times in the past and it's something that still stands true to this day; most of us aren't really that amazing at creating content. Most of the content on Hive could easily be replaced by similar content by just about most other literate people out there so I've never really looked at the content itself as the determining factor behind if it gets curated and how much. Sure it matters and it's part of the process but it's not everything.
Aside from attempting to give the content we "regular Joe's" here produce some extra value through programs such as POSH, there are also things such as social activity we like to look at. For instance if there's a great author writing content and another similarly great author writing similar content, if the first one never engages with his audience or engages outside of his own posts compared to the second one doing so, we're more likely to ignore the former more often and upvote the latter similarly more often because effort. This isn't just due to Hive's L1 being a social media platform but it also brings another underlying value behind the rewards these authors receive. Someone who just posts or maybe even cross-posts content and doesn't do much else around the ecosystem may feel these rewards are "easy" and thus not value them as much as someone who's a lot more active and brings value to the ecosystem in other ways on top of content creation.
Before I sidetrack too much, let's discuss what this means in regard to AI.
It's quite easy really, if you're using AI to generate content, than similarly how I mentioned above that most of the content here "doesn't really have a lot of value if it can easily be replaced", that's exactly what you're doing. You're creating content that's replaceable, if AI can create it then close to anyone else can these days. On top of it you're generating content you may not know anything about just as a "filler" to get that post out that day and rake in those votes you may have gotten accustomed to and don't want to miss out on. This means that when/if someone consumed your content and asks something about it, you're not going to be the best person to answer this consumer, continue the discussion, delve deeper on it, etc. Because the content you had AI generate is something you have close to no idea about. Even if you have it generate content you know a lot about and may have written about in the past, chances are you're just rewording things and it developing into a farmy habit of just posting for the rewards. This part also removes the whole "effort" effect, you're now basically earning post rewards without having put any effort or thought behind the content, and no, proofreading what the AI generated and doing a little edits here and there isn't enough compared to others generating their own content.
Keep in mind that we all share the same reward pool, and while it's not completely fair or utopia and most likely never will get there, if you're "cheating" your way into earning rewards for close to no effort it just means you're taking rewards away from everyone else.
Alright so now that we know when and how not to use AI, although I'm sure there's a lot more to be said about it maybe you got the gist of it, let's talk when it is okay to.
Many keep saying they use AI to "enhance" and "improve" their writing. As the screenshot shown above it's quite effective at that and I don't personally have anything against people doing so. Especially those working on certain projects wanting their updates looking more professional to avoid hiring a writer. The thing that does annoy me a little bit, though, is that close to none of them mention they used AI. I get that no one mentions when they use Grammarly, but before they also started AI'ing their tools I don't believe that a tool that fixed your grammar risked your content looking like AI had generated all of it. Maybe it's the rise and popularity of AI and it becoming a household name close to everywhere these days, but it could mean that we'd have to start mentioning when we use it and for what, similar to how we source when we use other people's images to give them the credit or avoid getting lawsuits due to the monetization aspect of Hive. You could compare that to mentioning that you used AI to improve the reading experience of your text to avoid getting downvoted by projects or stakeholders thinking you've been using it to generate the full text.
Naturally, there's a lot of gray areas here and leeway for abuse as well, I've seen it happen from both sides: Both from authors saying they used AI just to enhance the text when in reality it may have generated all or a majority of it, and both from projects downvoting the post when it was quite clear that AI couldn't have generated the whole text since it was something quite specific to a certain project for it to know about. I guess this is where common sense, thoroughness and benefit of the doubt become important. It's not going to be easy to determine if what the author is saying is the truth and it's also going to be difficult to prove if he is.
That is something that we at Hive aren't facing alone, though. This early in the technology and evolution of AI it's normal to assume a lot of people are using it for the wrong things rather than being true to themselves and the ecosystem and shareholders here. It's a bit similar to accounts that use or have used sockpuppets to "cheat" their way into more rewards which some of you oldtimers may remember how the community dealt with. The reputation you have on Hive may get you a lot farther if you don't ruin it over time, the currency is built to be inflationary so it's in everyone's best interest to make sure you don't get caught lying or cheating because you may risk never earning post rewards under that account again. Some may think it's an easy thing to do and some may get away with it or it may take a long time for them to get caught but one mistake and it can become very costly for your long term value.
So yeah, not really sure what more could be said about it at this point in time. Aside from myself and my own curation project I do wish more stakeholders would take into account some aspects behind "effort" and the value behind it when curating. Autovotes of course being one of the main proponents to a declining effort behind authors and entitlement to the daily rewards. I think it's safe to say that those authors may have a greater risk of facing downvotes than those who don't always earn the same rewards from the same accounts and similarly I think those staying true to themselves about their effort involved and being open about when they use AI and for what may also have lower risk of facing downvotes.
At the end of the day, while it does "hurt" in a way knowing how the AI managed to rewrite my paragraphs so much better after the years of writing and learning English behind me; I think there's some value behind originality both in content and grammar from specific authors you've followed and read from for a while and it may be something your readers would prefer to not have it any other way.
Anyway, maybe you learned something new about curation and our focus in this post and have some thoughts about it or what you think about the rise of AI and how it may have affected you, let me know in the comments in that case.
If I've known someone for awhile, and they're now using AI, I can tell instantly, without any magic tools. It takes their personality right out of it. We all leave fingerprints behind when we convert our thoughts into physical form. Wipe those off and you can't distinguish one person from the next.
Language and communication, that's one. It's one set of rules, basically. One entity, in a sense. Yet we all sound different. Each one of us, unique.
Over the years I've seen countless complaints, "I wrote 2000 words and these people aren't upvoting me. Spent all that time researching a topic and these people aren't upvoting me. The writing is perfect and so much better than member X so why aren't they upvoting me."
It's only natural to become curious so you go look at their work. 9 times out of 10 there's no personality, at all. It's just words. They've completely removed themselves from their work, then want others to upvote them, but removed majority of the ways another human can connect with them. They've become the book rather than the author. And now AI is helping people make that common mistake.
Where most people fail, is in their actual experience. :D
That's so funny. You can ask it, and it knows "The Answer," but it cannot deliver.
And if I see one more "blog post" that looks almost exactly like that response...
I might lose my shit.
With that thing able to generate a response like that, we no longer "need" it written down 10000 more times.
What I'm discovering is now people can unshackle themselves from the generic nonsense getting them nowhere in life (because they're simply borrowing life from another), since it's all there at your fingertips when you need it (always was), this actually has the potential to open the door for actual people to come back inside. The content one cannot connect with has been chasing people away. But will society see this as an opportunity? Or is being yourself simply too much hard work...
As said, it is the experience that is lacking. Most people don't seem to have much in order to say something informed, relevant, useful or whatever, let alone the willingness to learn how to present it well. When we spend so much time consuming junk, what unique value can we bring to others?
Recycled garbage. Just spent fifteen years on facebook watching people I've known forever become mouthpieces for the media they consume. Like going to the animal sanctuary and listening to the parrots, as I watched them grow their feathers. Try to pull them out of it and they think you're working for the "other team"...
I'll still give people credit. The ones who do get it. I'll look at them now, as I always have, and say over the years they've provided a unique experience. That's what has kept me around here all these years. That's what I was craving. Plenty of them out there, past and present. From all over the world. Not hard to stumble into a new one either. I find actual people to be, fascinating.
Presentation takes practice. Doesn't have to be perfect. And if it is, I probably won't like it. Because then the journey is over. Mission complete. Nothing left. Far more interesting watching people stumble around trying to figure out life. That's the one thing we all have in common, no matter how it's dressed.
100%, if I wanted to know about a movie I'd much rather go look at a content creator reviewing it I know or have enjoyed listening to in the past than someone random.
That's one good example. A generic outline explaining what the movie is about and someone writing about their experience with that movie are vastly different. Take the human personal experience out and that makes it incredibly difficult for someone random to become someone you know. Starts somewhere. Follow the rope, it ends at a human.
And what made something like Siskel & Ebert a success in its time was the fact the viewer was given two personalities to connect with instead of just one and they talked about what they thought, not what they saw.
Those making movie trailers. Tell me how successful they'd be if all they did was report on what the movie was about. The dude with the voice is there for a reason, giving it personality.
Take science. Report on findings or theories in a Youtube video. 500 views. Add a personality and combine it with the same information. One million views.
Totally agree with this as your character/personality is in how you write and express yourself. Those users I follow (English a 2nd language) who have spelling mistakes is part of the experience of reading their posts and taking that away will lessen the experience if that makes sense.
Makes a lot of sense.
Damn this guy .... always on point!
I'm a content creator, not only music but also fantasy illustration, a genre that countless of AI images have devalued. I'm struggling finding motivation to finish a personal project which has that vibe and I did draw with my own mind and fingers. And not complaining, the technology is indeed a breakthrough and in time we'll see how it can become a tool for creators, but for now I rather to find ways to weave my own ideas (and words), and just hope people is not desensitized by so many drawings and artificial created content. I confess I find the images beautiful and even inspiring sometimes, but I cannot compete, I take weeks for a drawing, and now I have to see how people claim to be "visual artists" by the power of a sentence. As dystopian as it feels to me, I must accept this has happened. I am not sure how AI will assist in my craft, it's too early. I don't want it to write my songs or thoughts. So far there are lots of things that require some kind of regulation, laion database trained with artists images without permission, softwares are mimicking our voices and semblances without permission... and in some ways the rules are not set, thus leaving it open to lots of unethical use. For now, allow me to share my flawed human content, though I see a difference between dropping something that is entirely AI generated and something that is assisted by it and crafted by your own thoughts. I hope we'll get there, but at the moment I feel a greater urge to return to old fashioned paper and pencil and doodling my own thoughts the way that comes out of my head.
I agree that what we can provide that is "unique" to us is what is of value. Let's not fool ourselves, there will be always people taking advantage of things, too many greys still, but definitely not black and white.
We'll see with time. All I can say is that rarely progress goes backwards, so we artists need to accept that and face that storm. But I believe the rules of the game must be set to be a fair game for everyone.
and I HOPE there will be always value in human content.
ps. reply NOT generated by chat gpt LOL, excuse typos then! LOL
I have said before that I feel so sorry for the genuinely artistic people whose work is being devalued by AI. I don't know the answer except that you need to keep believing in yourself and trust that others who know the difference will find value in genuine, artistic creativity and zero value in that which is created by code
It is what it is, and I say, it is not black and white, legit artists will eventually harness it as a tool or assistance, yet fully AI content, yes sadly it's replacing artists. why would a writer commission an illustrator if they can emulate one... and as I say, time, seconds versus a week...
I already lived through the "devaluation" of music due to streaming, do you know that purchasing a single physical album (noone listen to cds any more) is more than artists earn per streaming in months sometimes... ye it is what it is... you adapt and art finds a way, I'm sure it'll do
Don't you think it's all looking the same?!
I see an image and can tell if it's IA out not.
I see carrosels posts on IG and think, this was IA.
Maybe this will be a change and make the "real" creators to gain even more relevance having different kind of content.
I am going to tell you that ks a bittersweet reply, because what AI emulates best and has been sharing by the thousands is ethereal fantasy art and beautiful goddess portraits and it is precisely what I do, aming all tge artists affected by our work being worn out is fantasy illustrators. I have seen olenty if AI art that looks like my work but I do paint it 💔 so i can tell yiu it us not unimaginative or lacking it just mimicked all too well which is not surprising as models trained (without permission) on trending deviant art and artstation
So I am not seeking to change my style
i just check your profile and WOW! you have beautiful voice and photos and ... everything else. congratulations and I'm following already. wish you luck and yes, keep your stile. you are awesome!
I also make fantasy illustration to go along with my music, all my released albums have my art, but I actually paint them, this for example was for my song Northern lights (a

rt made in 2011) no AI then
Please do not lose hope. Art is always an expression. Nothing beats self-expression thru art forms. Continue expressing yourself thru art. All the best 👍
Thanks so much. Appreciated
To be honest, I wouldn't worry about AI overtaking artists. I've used Night Café to generate images for me - to use as thumbnails for short stories I've written here - so I can get an idea of what I'm trying to imagine when writing, since I'm not an artist. But, sitting with an artist and describing a scene or picture would be a hell of a lot better than writing a sentence and hoping for the best with an AI art site.
I felt this. You're right, the kind of visuals that you (spend a long long time to) generate, is one of the areas AI is most used for these days. But we can still tell the real fantasy from the fantasy mostly, but yes, the value has been eroded for sure.
Right, right?
I have this project on the shelves waiting for completion each drawing weeks of work and at least months ahead... It does look a lot to images ai generated, thankfully I saved plenty of wip but still now on people will question or assume. Reminder to record my work in progress now on
Just trying to surf the wave
It is what it is
Happened for music before
We will overcome
But yes it kind of devaluated mybñ genre precisely
Luck lol 🤣 mean f... Lol 😆
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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @semarekha, @jhymi, @seckorama ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Hmm, I remember when I started travel blogging on my own travel website, one reader was like why is that my article that was full of grammatical errors got featured on a popular travel website in Singapore? LOL. It was the Singaporean editor-in-chief who asked me to be featured and they just corrected the grammar on their travel website. It was my way of storytelling and personality the reason I got featured. The grammatical errors can be corrected. I prefer to have my own personality on my travel blog than to use AI-created articles. I only used AI for several writing gigs though.
I’m glad to see these posts. I like taking in the opinions of many to understand the subtleties and nuances behind various modes of thinking, and this is a subject which is rapidly finding its way to the fore front.
AI in the farmy sense would likely have a very damaging impact. I think, I wouldn’t want to curate it, and so why would I put my personally created posts into the mix with a ghost town full of AI creations? Curation would decline and I believe that would result in a decline in creation. Hopefully we dont see this take place.
I recently posted a comparison of my cheesy collage illustrations vs. AI generated images. It was like Paul Bunyon vs the chainsaw guy, but if Paul Bunyon was a nerdy little dork and the chain saw guy was just a nerdy dork robot.
Personally, I still like mine better, but i will admit that the generated art brought some really cool stuff to the table that my work does not. For illustrating stories, i would probably only rely on AI if I was really pressed for time or, if I’m being honest, if the AI illustration was just plain better than mine.
From what I’m seeing, right now it looks like using AI generated illustrations could be a risky play, but I tend to agree with your assessment of effort as the real key. Garnishing a home grown dish with a splash of AI surely doesn’t undo the effort that was made, but because an AI dish garnished with a personal touch may be hard to spot…sticky situation: inbound.
This was a thoughtful exposition of the topic ... I suppose AI bothers me less than some others because at heart I am a minister ... I know what touches the human soul is the connection to another human soul, and AI will never be able to touch the depths of that. What we may have is a generation of users of content who are like people who don't know you can't live on fast food for long ... but when people want to LIVE, they will return to finding those human things that let them connect. My voice and my writing are MY OWN ... those to whom they speak will hear it, and support it. As creatives we must take this opportunity to not despair but to elevate our craft... the world will be more in need of it than ever ... and perhaps Hive will become a beacon of needed light.
I don't know about others, but I feel every piece of writing has 2 aspects in the body.
Especially for those who write stories and articles.
Someone who has been reading a specific author's works, would know the author's flows, his habits when writing, sense of humour and how he presents it in the works.
Although once that said work us input in an AI, the soul is bled out. Just the purpose of the text is put in an upfront manner.
That is a major red flag that there's something wrong with the writing and immediately I start questioning the originality of the post.
Just as high detail 3d renders tend to, I think AI writing produced by models such as Chat GPT tend to feel like they've got one leg in the uncanny valley. It doesn't feel like a natural, human's writing.
I just hope that it doesn't mean the extinction of the "web" as we know it, particularly where we had forums, which mostly moved to reddit and facebook groups, and we had review sites.. which moved to affiliate link spam.
HIVE user posts are the closest thing to the Internet I remember as a child growing up.
Today we need to prove to the AI that we are even human.
I am guilty of posting content with less engagement in the ecosystem before. But reading more of your content enlightened me to be better. Especially now that I have referred some people to be in the blockchain and will be inviting more people in.
In regards to AI assistance in improving one work, I believe it is a topic that should be talked about and given attention to. In my view, I believe that there should be a group of people to somehow analyze and realize a Technology Acceptance Model for AI tools. As you mention, by at least mentioning in the content Grammarly was used to check the quality of the content in terms of grammar.
It's not really anything you can do if people aren't coming and engaging on your posts itself, like it happens some times, sometimes I may write something I think will get a lot of engagement and it ends up only getting a handful of comments, meanwhile something else may surprise me, etc. It's the average I guess that matters and as long as that is trending upward somewhat along with active userbase then it's a good sign.
I'm more against authors who think that their content in and of itself is worth all the rewards, where they don't care/bother engaging with people engaging with them or people in the same circles/community who also post about something similar/share interests. If you're not giving anything back in terms of your time/effort to appreciate others but expect to continue earning same if not more rewards like everyone else, then I'd hate to break it to you but those rewards may not be fairly earned.
It's different if you have a social presence outside of Hive and you're literally that popular that you can't engage with everyone all the time, there's other ways to then bring value to the ecosystem and I don't expect people to judge or downvote them for not engaging, but this is a minuscule example of affected authors here, most are just regular people without any influence outside the space.
Generally, new hive users tend to make a post then leave. All of your points are taken and will be added to the orientation that I will make for those who I will invite soon.
Time and Effort, I see most look into the written content of the blog. I want also to add the time and effort for lay outing a neat blog. Like just keeping text justified or using headers to separate thoughts within a blog.
I really don't digest artificial intelligence, I'm sorry.
I understand that the world is now heading in that direction and sooner or later I'll get over it.
However, I believe that there is a big difference between improving one's content perhaps by improving one's English and one's grammar rather than improving one's content because it is translated or corrected by an artificial intelligence.
In the first case, beyond the commitment which is certainly greater, the acquired knowledge becomes one's own, in the second case one simply does not learn anything and therefore does not improve.
Of course, this has nothing to do with the topic of treatment, it's a simple reflection of mine; as far as care is concerned, I vote for each post manually, it is natural that I prefer those behind which I see commitment and also feeling and emotions and, above all, these last two things are hardly perceived in a post generated by an AI.
Having said that, it is always useful and nice to know the criteria you use and that your team uses for the treatment, it is doubly pleasing because they are very close to what are also my criteria.
I really haven't found an decent use for this ChatGPT generated stuff yet. I know lots of people are using it for different things, but I just haven't seen the utility yet. I'm waiting until it can start actually doing some predictive models on things. I don't want it to just regurgitate data, I want it to extrapolate data based on the current data. I'm honestly not sure it can really even be considered "AI" at this point.
As a software engineer i like to explore new technologies and i think it's a good tool to assist us, not to create.
But the speed of ai learning will be exponential and can surprise us next year's.
Have you see Autogpt?! Someone create game and it replicate itself and start planning a party for all personas. Found interesting and now games want to include it to NPC so it will have different responses besides those few ones programe... Imaging next GTA games....
Very interesting. I think it is definitely going to grow, but I think right now it is a bit over hyped. I haven't been as impressed as some people I guess. I think eventually I will be.
The minute it can make a cup of tea and bring it to wherever I am without me even needing to ask, I'm in.
😂 i like that moment where i prepare myself a cup of coffee, looking nowhere and reflecting while water heat up
Haha, me too! Sounds delightful!
It goes without saying that your explanation and presentation were good, although if I could join any curation team, my attitude would not be any different, as I would prefer to support those who love to know and inform and who put a great effort behind their writing.
No, I'm not against downvoting because it's a great way for people to try and pass off something different without any effort and only expect rewards. At the moment using AI is such a way, many are trying to use it differently without any effort. In my view it will encourage those of a different nature to do worse, to imitate without effort, it will further reduce our intelligence and destroy the interest in education.
However, everything cannot be said with certainty, because there are pros and cons for everything, maybe time will clarify everything.
I thought of this article again because of the question of a friend -- I quote the relevant passage from you here:
As someone who has been here now four years and is STILL not entirely sure how the reward pool works ... is there an actual limitation on its generative power (per day, per week) or is this more a question of managing Hive's inflation?
There is a limitation in terms of inflation yes, only a certain amount of daily/weekly hive is generated, so your votes basically allow you to direct that inflation towards posts and comments. This inflation is also decreasing over time, about 0.5% less each year.
In terms of limitations in a broader sense it's not really, if and when there's more users here it's most likely going to reflect on the price as well. So in terms of post rewards you can still earn a nice amount of HBD based on price, a post dishing out 100 Hive power and 40 HBD now at current prices may in the future give you 100 HP and 400 HBD if similar stakeholders were to upvote you. Of course with more users and a higher price I expect distribution to be a bit "smarter", maybe people won't upvote you as much at those prices as it reflects on your pending rewards, maybe some start downvoting a bit more often such posts to make sure stake is distributed to others better, etc.
All this points down to really is that if you want to earn a lot of Hive/Power you're better off earning it on times like these when active users are low and competition for it also. Those consistently selling their post rewards/powering down that part may not get the same stake back later. Sure you can say they may not care and just come back for the HBD but who knows what kind of new users will arrive by then, even your best friends and most active upvoters of yours may forget you by then or choose others over you.
Thank you for the swift and timely response.
Well, I am here seven days, rain or shine ... I actually prefer the atmosphere of the bear although the pain of the bear is intense as things just drop ... but I like the fact that in the bear, the people that are here creating are here creating because they want to be. I also see your point about low competition as well... mathematically, grinding it out through the bear means one has a lot done, little by little, by the time the bull returns. I just didn't realize until thinking about it that there might be a limit of what Hive can produce in short-term periods.
EDIT: With that in mind, is Hive ready for a sudden growth spurt -- I mean, a BIG ONE? Let's say 100,000 people rolled in here -- since there is a limit, would Hive be OK?
Yeah I just wouldn't really call it a limit cause I think it can scale pretty nicely. For instance due to the low unique authors at times like these ocd votes a bit extra on hbdstabilizer comments to ensure a stable hbd and return funds to the DHF. If that were to change and we'd see a big influx of new and deserving authors, we'd of course shift all our voting power towards them. At the same time I'm sure the markets, people/investors here would notice and it would reflect on price. This means that for our voting to continue giving people reasonable votes we could give them smaller votes than a few weeks ago before the price change. This also means that those authors who were getting 20-50$ in rewards from us a few weeks ago, their rewards are now worth $40-80 if the price changed, so they received more HP but same amount as HBD as those earning equal sized votes "now" after price change due to increase in new users.
So yeah, bear market is when it's best to post, but just cause there's a certain amount of Hive that needs to go out due to inflation doesn't mean you have to send all of it out to authors all the time. I like that Hive is flexible like that as long as you vote for things that benefit all of Hive and not just a few.
You answered half of this question while I was typing it -- and don't let me take too much of your time -- is Hive ready for a sudden growth spurt -- I mean, a BIG ONE? Let's say 100,000 people suddenly rolled in here -- can the scaling take that?
Noticed the edit and responded to it^^
In terms of technology, yes, it'd be okay and can handle such amounts easily. It might be a bit difficult for all of them to easily get an account right now but if there was a better solution by then (we're also working on our own atm), then in terms of the rewardpool we'd need our curators to start working a bit extra. :P Surely some would be missed the first few weeks but if they look around and see it's working for some of the new users they might stick around to receive curation as well. This is why Hive being distributed wide is important as well, cause when the masses come you're going to need as many curators and stakeholders to take care of them based on workload alone. Smaller orca's/dolphin's now would become bigger with a price increase, and even if price doesn't instantly go up due to the sudden increase in new users I'm sure it would adjust over time.
This is also why ocd is "decentralized" in a way where we incubate some of the most active communities and give them power to nominate posts. They or lovesniper, etc, would surely notice the big influx of new users and they'd get permission to nominate a lot more posts per day than they do now since many would be new authors. This would mean we'd vote for a lot more stuff daily than currently even if it means a bit smaller votes to maintain voting power.
I saw from @demotruk's article that OCD is having success in onboarding, so I figured if anyone might be working on what happens if our concern shifts quickly to needing to onboard and retain many more, it would be OCD.
I hadn't even thought about the curation load ... it does seem like the curators work hard here, and I do my giving-back part with my weekly Peakd collection of the posts I like ... but get even 10,000 more people here ... YIKES... it would take a lot more eyes and hands to make sure that quality posts get curated. Hive is going to need a lot more dolphins, orcas, and empowered communities to handle all that!
Yeah, but each year we're better equipped I believe to handle it, and who knows, some of those new users may become investors themselves and curators. :D
That is true. I remember when I was a redfish and just made it to minnow ... and now, I am approaching triple-dolphin status, and I curate in my own way. It seemed to be a natural progression, and perhaps others will find it so as well.
BUT THEN AGAIN -- and with this, thank you and good night, and I appreciate your time and openness -- I am largely an autodidact, so figuring it out is what I do. Just a thought for OCD's consideration: since there is a plan for onboarding in the works, can a nudge be applied so that people know "Today, you are a redfish, and we support you so you will grow up to be a bigger and bigger fish, and when you get there, remember how we helped you grow up, and here are some tools to help you learn how to do likewise for the newcomers"? The question is just for your consideration with your team ... no need to have a pat answer now.
10,000 more active users wouldn't be a big deal because generally when there is such an influx, the regular users are more active too. At 100,000 active users we'd start to get pretty constrained, given that it happens in a short time such that stake has not had time to get more distributed among them.
When you say constrained, would it be because of onboarding bottlenecks, or just because we have to get stake to so many in so short a time?
Creativity and originality should prime when it regards to rewarding content on Hive. I am mostly trying to talk about things I know and I've experienced and simply pass the torch to others in case they want to dive into the things I describe or just to be aware and know about them. Personal touch is what gets us closer within communities and I think it makes sense to curate when people are putting the effort into it and simply share things from their magnifying glass over the world.
Agree and agree with almost all comments i read. My humble opinion is that technology must be use as tool and not to create our content.
I do not consider myself as a good writer and sometimes dont know where to begin writing, so, post templates and ideas can help us out with that start kick and we need to insert our personal experience there rewriting text and not backwards having ai improving for us to look like a pro writer.
This is a post I was looking for to find my problem. There are some of my posts that are indicated to use AI, and I just found out that Google Translator is supported by AI so that my writing can be changed to improve grammar.
Technology like AI seems to be able to benefit and harm some parties, but it seems that it is very scary for humans, whether it's good or bad.
thank you, your post is really something new that I can learn a lot. have a nice day!
I've been seeing and watching a lot about AI lately (except for the last 24 hours, I had no electricity and internet xD). It's constantly evolving and soon maybe we won't even be able to understand the content produced by AI. I don't know where things will evolve but I hope people will stop using AI to produce posts because like you said, once you're caught there's nothing you can do about it. Your reputation is ruined. And if you're using the AI to edit your posts, you can say so at the end of the post. This can prevent you from getting downvoted. Because the people who will upvote for your post already know you used it.
I write how I speak so it will be 2060 before they have AI technologically strong enough to write like I do. It would go rogue if I copied it into ChatGPT right now.
[so many errors , exterminate human exterminate human]
Don't think it'll take that long but guess we'll see. :P
I just think it should be not used as we will lose the fun of this place as what is the point as effort should be in every post as thought is required. Those using AI only think about a topic.
The world is changing and we must change with it but what makes hive unique is the effort applied to make extra income when you can bypass this with little or no effort at all this does not make sense because hive stands for content creators.
Very interesting experiment for sure. I personally think it replaces the persons personality in their writing when they use AI. I would rather just see their writing, with boogers and all. It is what makes me come back.
For those who use AI to "enhance" their post, perhaps they would like to include a screen cap of both their own and the AI version in their post. That will help curators to know how much original content they are curating.
artificial intelligence is getting better and better in this aspect and there will be few of us who will have the knowledge, with this easy creativity is running out, the responsibility of you as curators to value the content is enormous, congratulations for your great work.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( seckorama ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.
I think that showing effort in the content is one of the best form to encourage authors to stay here, engage and potentially bring even more people.
As you correctly say, a few on the whole Hive ecosystem are professional writers (I am not) and all the rest could be easily replaceable from better writers but that's not the point of a Web3 ecosystem. Or at least, not the only point. Efforts, struggles but also the message of the content should be emphasized teaching contents, relevant experiences and so on, are other real treasures that in Hive have the chance of getting more noticed.
I find the use of artificial intelligence really interesting, I think it helps many people to expand their ideas, you just have to know how to use it, in case of content creation, there are also tools to detect if the content as a whole is created by artificial intelligence or has some touch of the author, I think this technology should be used wisely, not only to monetize but also to develop amazing projects, it's as easy as asking: Give me some good ideas to develop my science project based on the use of renewable energy and booom you have material to develop, never stop studying, this intelligence is created by humans, it can not overtake us or the world would be a chaos, we must promote the use of it but teach people to use it, greetings brother.
Me, personally, I just leave all my spelling and grammatical mistakes in now 😂
AI technology is currently a hot topic. It is currently hitting the shelves in many areas. But still some are abusing people.