I created a youtube account

in OCDlast year

the other day and posted by first video. It was a video about me opening up some Pokemon packs and was really excited both for the opening and how the video would do. After finishing the upload I placed a title and some descriptions and waited. Time went by and I didn't get any views, so I started looking around other channels who also posted videos about opening Pokemon cards but were getting a lot more views. I placed a few comments here and there and then I asked one how come he's getting so many views for doing practically the same thing but I got nothing? I got nothing from that either, no response.

This was really frustrating, I spent a good 3 hours creating that video, editing it, checking that everything was perfect before recording. Talking clearly onto the mic when discussing what cards I could get and giving out a lot of fresh info on things that many viewers may not know yet, I was being informational and providing a lot of value in this video, yet no one watched it.

A few days later someone other than the youtuber replied to my comment asking why I hadn't received any views, he mentioned that he had just randomly sorted comments by new instead of the default trending and found my comment which led him to reply and give me some hints of how I could get more views and at the same time had gone and checked out my video, subscribed and left me a comment. This really made me happy that someone had just randomly happened upon my comment and I got my first subscriber, but his comment turned things around. He had left quite a critiquing comment about the way I open and handle the cards and that I had a few things wrong about some of the info I gave out that I may have misremembered. I can't have this comment on my first video, I spent so many hours on it I don't want others to see it as I'm not going to bother editing it any more. I decided to delete the comment from my video which unfortunately meant we were back at 0 comments but a few views. I wonder who else has seen it but not left a comment or like.

Where are my likes? I hear it helps with the algorithm or something to suggest my videos to other people in their feeds, ugh. The next day I received a new comment, the same account asking why I had deleted his previous comment, ugh, I can't get into that now, let's delete this one too.

The next day I had received a dislike. REALLY? A dislike and no likes? This probably means no one will ever find my video organically... What should I do? I'm pretty sure I know who the disliker is, must be the guy who commented, that asshole, how dare he dislike my first video as I'm just starting out, just for a few mistakes and cause I deleted his comment? I'm going to contact him. Oh, apparently I can't, there's no chat here, but maybe I can reply to another of his comments somewhere. Oh you can see his public email here on his youtube channel, I'm going to email him to let him know why I deleted his comment and to ask him nicely to remove his dislike.

He responded with "no, you deleted my comments twice when I was just trying to be helpful, I'm not removing my dislike and in fact I'm going to tell my friends in discord about your activity". The email came as a shock to me, I quickly went to my youtube channel and noticed there were now 34 dislikes on my video and a message from youtube saying I have been flagged for inappropriate content and received my first out of three strikes.

I felt like my world was falling apart, I was supposed to become popular and eventually get accepted into their ad revenue sharing program to earn a little bit of income for my hobbies, maybe even scale them up with that income to provide more content to my future viewers. I contacted youtube and told them the whole story and why the strike is unfair because I had probably been unfairly flagged by a bunch of people who disliked my video based off of that one person. I even included the fact that I had deleted his comments, I mean that's what people do these days, right? They delete and block criticism and trolls. Why is this happening to me? I deserve to take part in everything other content creators are doing, ugh.

I received no response. I sent another message that quickly sent back an automated message asking me to wait instead of sending more requests. I waited but nothing ever happened, the strike remained. I felt unmotivated to continue making videos so I googled and youtubed a little bit to see what tips or tricks others told me about becoming a content creator.

Many were talking about branding, sharing and engaging in the beginning of your creator journey. You're supposed to be active constantly to match up with other creators, you have to treat it not just as a full-time job but also as an investment vehicle. Don't expect to make any revenue your first year and even if you start making some in the first or second year, make sure to use all that revenue back to improve your content and attract more viewers. Some even suggested some less "legal" alternatives where you over time a little here and there bought followers and viewers because in this day and age "everyone does it" and if you don't, you'll have a hard time getting into the good side of the algo.

It really seemed like an uphill battle, but with a lot of work, determination, maybe some tricks here and there, I could become one of the few percentage of content creators that could make an okay wage once I start hitting 100k daily views from my current 0.33 daily views. There were a lot of other things to think about, though, the realization that this may not happen, no matter how hard I work, how determined I am, how much time and money I pour into my account, it just may never happen. People either won't like my content that much, the Pokemon fad may go away, I may not find something to replace it with, I may lose focus and subscribers/viewers and just fade out over time. Worst of it all, I already have one out of three strikes and no help to get it removed. What if those early trolls keep clinging onto my account on the next video I post and keep holding a grudge and keep flagging me. My youtube channel could be deleted, if not now then maybe they'll come back later when I have more activity. I've heard so many stories of smaller channels being deleted and no one caring about it because they couldn't manage to make enough noise on other socials about their unfair treatment.

If only.

If only, there was a way to ensure my account couldn't get deleted. My content would remain seen to whoever wants to view it. My trolls wouldn't be able to unfairly try to hurt my account. If I could see who dislikes my content and maybe ask them why or at least check if they have a history of disliking things for legitimate reasons. If youtube adrevenue were to drop suddenly, if I could just take all my content, followers, history and move it onto another platform but still use the same account. If my earnings wouldn't just completely stop happening from a few false reports. If others were around to help me out to keep things fair rather than sending emails to bots back and forth. If only it would feel like I'm invested in the whole ecosystem rather than just being someone who generates ad revenue and gets half of that back. If only I could reward my viewers and people engaging for their good and helpful comments rather than just giving them likes while most get ignored. If I'd be more open to criticism rather than just deleting and blocking everyone who doesn't see eye to eye. If only things were a bit more transparent.

I wonder if such a platform exists out there.


I know a platform similar to this and it's called Hive. It's not perfect as you say, but it meets your requirements in many ways. For example, your account is not deleted and even if a few random people flag you, you still make money. And you don't have to wait for a very long time to make money like Youtube. You can earn as little as 15-20 dollars on your first post. You can also build your account and reward everyone on the platform for their comments and content.

I hope this comment drops in front of many #web2 users :P

Btw I really like watching Pokemon videos, please send them to me via DM if you share anothers.

The real question here is- Did you actually open any Pokémon packs? and even if not, do you play Pokémon TCG? Some of TST Discord has been getting into it using the digital version to practice. I've been having a ton of fun with the game and would be rad to play vs you sometime if you do play!

I installed and claimed some packs a few weeks ago but didn't really stick to playing, so much to do with a few projects of mine dunno when I'll find the time.

I did just recently open a few more packs tho, planning on posting the opening video here soon, but dunno, since they're not nft's it don't feel as exciting as a few years back opening genesis GU packs for instance. :D

Yeah, the games do tend to take a long time. Very different playstyle than GU.

haha, well it would be hard to beat that! But drop a link to the video in the TST discord when you post it. Pokémon is still new enough for some of us that it all seems exciting. cautionfun has been opening packs on stream too if you want some vicarious enjoyment with someone you know.

😂 Hahaha, it's so funny to imagine this scene. I'm sure it's fiction, you haven't gone through all this, but I have no doubt that this has happened to many content creators on Youtube.

It's a very creative story that I could use (with your permission) to serve as an example to other users.

Sure, it's pretty freewritten so I'm sure there's more things people could include but feel free to.

I am so excited you finally started a YouTube channel @acidyo. Even if you don't show your face, we can finally hear your voice.

Don't be upset that no one watches your channel now, because if you keep on posting videos you will soon get enough views and start to make money. Just push out one, or even multiple videos a day, it doesn't even have to be top notch quality. And if you are struck off or blocked, open up more accounts and continue the same process. No one will know it's you.

Good luck and I hope you will start to earn your two cents very soon 💰💰

I didn't say Hive was perfect.

Nor did I 😂

Just that many come here with web 2 mentality and think they'll get away with it

I know this is just a goofy written story, but I want to put this out there because I do genuinely see people ask this shit all the fucking time no matter what they post.

I asked one how come he's getting so many views for doing practically the same thing but I got nothing?

Because, that's Youtube baybee. You make content for fun starting out and never expect to get anything, because the platform is oversaturated with the amount of different videos that get uploaded every single minute. Every day there's 4 million new videos uploaded with an average of about 4.5 minutes meaning around 300k hours of footage. No one should ever have the expectation that they're going to make a living wage off their content, that is probably 1 percent at best on any platform ever. Making good content is maybe 20 percent of it, the other 80 percent is just getting lucky. Just do it as long as you're having fun and hope you get lucky with the algorithm.

I feel you. Started a Channel 3 Month ago - mostly what kills the videos is the clickrate. Retantion somehow is important but more than 70% doesnt favour you at all. Most of my shorts got 130% viewtime. But was shown in the feed of 14K people but only 5k views. So the algorithm killed the videos.
Thumbnails are basically the most important part.

The dislike and weird comments are pretty normal. It‘s humans :D

Got 130 Subs after 32 Videos - keep it up 💪🏻

For the part above "if only.", I could replace a few words and it would be comparable to users somewhere else...kinda like

And for everything beyond "if only.", maybe such a platform exists. Maybe 😉 if only users realized that they do have something like that, and maybe being open to criticism and being enthusiastic to learn about it was only for the better

I treat YouTube just like i treat McDonalds. I go out of my way to take my public shits in Mackers all over the Globe. It’s exhilarating to have zero intention of buying anything and b-lining it past the mall cop to the dumping grounds.💩

Youtube gets to be my storage back up. Most my vids i keep private on YouTube.
I wouldn’t want followers there. YouTube can be my storage monkey, get back in your box monkey. Youtube is my bitch!

I knew there was no YouTube channel, 34 dislikes for a first video is wild, can't believe I pictured all this in my head😅 I know many new YouTubers go through this all the time and it sucks....

I am stuck at 1 subscriber for years. When I was doing silent let's plays I was most of the time not getting any views despite other people playing the same game with no commentary and getting thousands of views. I tried making shorts of my art but that was not doing well either. Recently I gave up- I bought a microphone and started doing let's plays with commentary. Those videos are not good because I had not spoken english in over a decade and I find it hard to find what to say. Still my views went up. One video has 7 views the other 5. So if you open a channel you might end up doing better than you expect. Or you might also have 1 subscriber for years. Maybe you should give it a try.

YouTube is really not a good place anymore where to share your passions and get a revenue for that.

I've been stuck for 13 years with my account posting content on different fields from graphic design to gaming and travel videos and I never managed to cross more than 50 views and 3 comments received organically. I tried promoting my video on different groups as well as post comments and interact with other similar channels and it happened nothing. I also posted weekly for a year in a row and went active on Reddit as I heard there are people with power who can boost your video and promote it further if you do good things but I never experienced that either.

I even tried letting my videos run in incognito just for the sake of earning some more views that would help the algorithm and possibly make my videos be recommended by YouTube further but that didn't happen either. And I really tried to be different from the others and post travel videos running on some chill music rather than the vlog thing everyone does, with the hope that it's different and will have success, but nothing happened.

Again and again and again.

It's either my account cursed or I don't know, but this is very discouraging indeed and it makes you want to just forget about it and keep your passions for yourself. Or this is what happened to me from a long while now.

Haha, I laughed so hard. The story felt so real. I started Youtube a long time ago but I was too lazy to upload videos with only 20 subscribers. Suddenly, I posted YouTube Shorts and now I have 190 subscribers. Hahaha! Now, I have stopped uploading shorts. XD

Fell for that one hook, line and sinker😂 I was gonna offer all kinds of 'sorry' and 'poor guy, I feel so bad' comments and offer to go subscribe and upvote your mistreated video😂...there's one born every minute they say LOL

I had just written up some helpful pointers then I saw the tag.. Very good!! 😂

xD was gonna respond but thought I'd give it some time, appreciate it though nonetheless. And yeah, not everything may be 100% correct, I'm not that familiar with youtube, but guess it's more of a general web2 story.

Talking clearly onto the mic when discussing what cards I could get

This already gave you away :D Who knows you, know you would not do that 😁
There are so many traps in the story.
April's fool day? :P

Just a semi-made up story I think affects many just not me personally right now.

Same as on X (Twitter), just in a different way. I got my account put on hold after I muted several crap account, flooding my feed with irrelevant content. I had to verify I'm not a bot. So they are allowed to flood my feed with a bunch of crap, I am not allowed to mute them. What's even worse, I mark them with Don't show this anymore, then those are back after 5 minutes. Crazy 😟

Uuuf cai redondita 💔

Nice story 🤣

Such a shame peaople really are like that on Web2 Social media...

I agree Hive > Youtube. I have uploaded a few timnes on Youtube and trying to be consistent. 28 subs with over 30 videos. Not good.

I am really surprised by the issues you have been having to be honest as I always find your content really valuable.

This post left me speechless.
But from my own point of view, I would be very transparent by speaking the real truth.

There is never a platform that we can find all this qualities as long as humans are incharge. The issue of power is clearly showing off even in the internet space. When certain people have this power, they literally believe that other people ain't in their level so they can cause oppression at any point in time

From this experience you shared, it has stopped so many people from using social related platforms. I remembered sometime back when I accidentally downvoted someone's content, I literally received ×10 where all my contents where downvoted by that same person.

So as long as Humans are still in charge and power belonging to some people, this issue will still continue 😰.

While downvotes aren't perfect, you're still here writing this comment and potentially able to earn something. Not hidden behind some blocking features or flat out blocked from your account and freedom.

Don't worry that people don't see your content, this is normal, this also happens to me only because I haven't had time, I also thought the same as you, there are many things now on Youtube that you can use to promote your videos without the need to "cheat" as I say, the idea is to do something that you like and that is trending, use the corresponding tags because you can add it, I do not consider myself an expert, in fact I consider myself to know nothing, but I have researched a lot about it, once I uploaded a video and only without sharing it on social networks it reached 34 views, a fairly great inspiration is felt in those moments, but little by little you go far, in your case you want to make that type of content, check the labels and all the things that everyone else does and try to do what i call a zombie, take a little bit from each of those trending videos and use them in your future videos.

Do not get discouraged, many times the first videos are not seen, but after you keep trying you will improve and learn new things, how about the idea of ​​thinking of a character that you can use to capture people's attention? In fact, many do. They manage to go far without showing their faces, making people laugh is a good idea and there are other things I know about if you want we can share ideas via DM on Discord, I'm sure we can share many ideas, because I'm also trying to improve my content and I plan to upload videos to YouTube again.

Sorry for the long message friend, but the subject was very interesting and the stories you tell about everything that happened to you, which caught my attention and I wanted to emphasize my opinion, I could practically see every scene of everything you have explained to me.

YouTube can really be tiring, I will say it takes a lot of effort especially for people who is not popular in the web2 platforms.

This story really got me laughing and at the same time sad. I see many people strive on YouTube, even I contemplate on starting YT.

But with consistency I believe one would grow.


I am learning about how to make video content atm as I am certain I could cover so much of what I want to communicate without the 257'000 words and I have read so, so many actual comments and posts exactly like this!!!

So, your post came across as very 'black mirror' to me.

Instant gratification, influencers and hustle culture have ruined the creativity, work ethic and thinking of so many people.

On the plus side though... Don't worry that the algorithm hates you, just keep on posting, hustling and cranking up the product placement and one day soon, you will have your own merch line of bagel covers, step ladders and a chain of burger joints.

Go acid-dude 🤑💰🤑💵💲🤑🤩🎥💲💰💹

I'd vote this comment up higher but really don't wanna place that image in front of everyone's faces, lol.

Haha IKR. Sorry I had just got outta the shower 😁😁

You forgot the towel!

Towel? That's how we roll in the Serengeti 😉🤣

Ya'll are bananas!

You are a great story teller even though its true or not, at first I had that feeling its all fiction, should write novels or something, yeah Hive does have a lot of those things other platforms YouTube is missing but its probably the friendly user interface one of the things that push Yt into success, the entire keys is something users don't get at first, Hive is also not necessary easy to grow but does have many advantage over centralize platforms, nice story, made me laugh at the end ✌️

How are you able to this? Isn't it amazing how you walked through my head while reading this, I was feeling so sorry already for you until the 34 dislikes for your first video knocked me out? That's Kind of impossible

However, don't be discouraged because you got no likes non comments on your first video, you must know that for you to get seen and start earning on any social platform, you must first show up every day with great value

Hehe most of the text was based on people reading it here and comparing how things would run here instead

I imagine the emotional chaos, sometimes it happens the same not only in Youtube but in any platform, if you want to pass the link and we subscribe and make you a nice comment to try to help hahahaha success in everything you undertake.

All this happens a lot in web 2.0 social networks, but in Hive people think that overnight they are going to earn money for publications and it turns out that they also have to be patient and make themselves known and then start to grow their account.

Spirit ! keep going and be passionate about creating educational content 😊

Go check it out, there's only 33 now.

What's the channel link?

check the tag in the post :-)


I am however creating a new youtube channel and something like this may be my first video, lol.

Well when you open the new channel you make a post and invite us to subscribe from Hive many will surely do it.


I hope to be part of your interesting project on Youtube and thus change that bad taste but the important thing is not to give up, now I can recommend that you distinguish yourself from the previous account do not want the guy you recozno and keep the negative votes in the next account you create.

I think, he already had a utube gaming channel.

What happened to your gaming channel? The last one I saw was about Gameplay Hades

U r a sub too? UwU

Laugh out loud.

If only.... LOL

I see what you did there.

Did this really happen? I can't tell because your blog is tagged with #story. If it is fiction, you're a good writer because I thought it was real while I was reading it.

it didn't but I'm sure it has for others :D

Damn. You got me. I thought it was real 😂.

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keep the good work up

Hope you share something good on your new youtube channel and we can learn a lot from there.

He should not have disliked the video only to delete the comment. It was very sad to watch 34 dislike at once.

Hey is your YouTube channel terminated I read your article a couple of times and could not get this notion clear to me. If you got your channel terminated I got experience of getting over 5 YouTube channels unbanned and 3 times unbanned mine just a week ago fixed some ones hijacked channel case as well. Let me know if you need any help I'll offer help for free ofcourse as you are a great help to the hive.blog community.

It's a fictional story to show hive is better but not perfect.

Thanks for the explanation. Oh took it a bit too seriously. One thing I admit even though am not a fanboy of web 3.0 and my reason is confidential I agree with acidyo that web 3.0 hive is superior to web 2.0 YouTube.

I assume I already know this "confidential" part.

Call it a conspiracy theory but I feel that web 3.0 opens doors to fediverse which idea i dislike even though everyone on the internet loves it as I feel it opens the gates to NWO owning the internet as well. It will be too much centralized sorry for my fear mongering but I feel this is a legit fear on my part.

So, it's not related to your experience with HW? Or is it?

How many copies of your chatgtp written ebooks got sold till now? I know you put effort in them after the ai writing too. That counts. Or is it?

.>So, it's not related to your experience with HW? Or is it?

I love the hive.blog universe but sadly do not like the fediverse part of it meaning ecency/peakd/hiveblog/ctptalk/delog/actifit you post on one website and you can view it on all other cenncted websites which is in its infants state but not only is this part of the NWO system for the internet but also it gives too much power to social media influencers who are dominating the digital marketing scene already even with AI on the rampant they still dominating the scene.

How many copies of your chatgtp written ebooks got sold till now? I know you put effort in them after the ai writing too. That counts. Or is it?

Two ebooks on amazon kdp were written with the help of AI assistance tools like chatgpt powered lex.page and paraphrasing tool like quillbot (please do not use this method as I would never recommend if you use on hive.blog you get blacklisted already happened with me but I went through the 30 days appeal process) have sold only 2 copies but that was expected and one the youtube ebook sold 2 copies and over 100+ free downloads when it was on free. However my 3 audio books converted from my ebooks have sold 30 copies with 0 marketing efforts and made me 9.66 dollars but will be rolling out more so those numbers will increase further hopefully.
The audio book market is a thriving one and always will be cause even AI generated content has to be narrated by a human voice which brings in the human emotion level into the field which can never underestimated value-wise.
That is why in the future I am planning to buying the michael jackson recommended xlr microphone Shure sm7b with vocaster two audio interface that will cost me around 333 dollars but I am buying a 110 version sm7b from ali express not the 400 dollars one from shure cause I do not then have budget for the vocaster two audio interface.

It's fantasy or really happened?! 🤔

excelent text! very educative to hive newcomers hahaha

I don't read tags. Nice article though. My personal experience with YT, is unbelievable 😍

Been deleted, threatened (WARNED), and struck multiple times.
It may just happen, that the info in question is not only true, but critical to the misinformation era.

Unfortunately, it seems YT and its Pfizer sponsored Fact Checkers, are part of the misinformation agenda.

Despite winning some of the "APPEALS", we have not received any compensation for damages and costs, whilst the offending fact checkers pulls in their large cheques and other perks.

Hope the new video upload feature in www.ecency.com will take off, as YT appears to be headed towards a subscription based Mainstream propaganda model, where members pay for fake news, like the BBC.

You can sign our petition against Government Sponsored Scams here www.ScamBuster.TV

Congratulations, my good friend @acidyo!

What did I do/What happened to me?

Well, for creating your YouTube account and channel, my friend. Here, on HIVE Blogging you're pretty much a nice rising star. Can you imagine how good it could be for you at YouTube?

Hehe for a while there I thought you were being serious. Well, i did run my own youtube channel for like about a year. Found moderate success relative to the work that i put in. But yeah in youtube you have to put on a facade to make yourself pleasing to the audience. Many vloggers and influencers are slaves for viewership.

Sorry to hear about frustrating start as a content creator on YouTube 😖

It must have been discouraging to invest so much effort and receive minimal response. I can relate to those early days when I started our journey on Hive, putting in hours to create quality content and sometimes not getting the recognition we hoped for. However, I must say that the Hive Community has been incredibly supportive, and I'm grateful for the encouragement I've received, particularly from longstanding members like yourself! 😊

I actually went onto Youtube platform to try and locate your video in order to show my support and to relieve some Pokemon Card Opening thrill but unsure if this is the correct channel?

Oh I just read some of the comments and realize this is a made up story, silly me 😅

😅should've made it a bit more obvious I guess, my bad.

Haha don't worry about it, was still captivating enough for a good read! 😅

I did ping you separately in another post sometime back as I wanted to check in with you on some stuff, is there a way to reach you?

Wanted to seek your advice on some posting matters as I still owe you a post on the wrestling TCGs I mentioned the last time round, hoping to get to it soon! 😁

You can reach me on Discord, rather not share the user ID here cause spammers etc, find the ocd server in the @ocd description and from there you can dm me.

Gotcha! Will reach out soon when I have it ready ✌️

I subscribed to your channel, the first video was funny. But if you want to attract more subscribers then you should think about YouTube promotion which will make your audience bigger. And then the channel will become more popular.

It’s very true. I know this is a #story, but when you get set up try the YouTube Shorts app from your iPhone. Add some fun copyright Free music from the app and you will get tons of views, likes and reach 1,000 subscribers in a few months. Monetize with Adsense and you will be earning .07 for every 1,000 views … youtube is promoting Shorts like crazy at the moment to compete with Tiktok. It’s a great time to start a new Youtube Channel… with the rising Cost of Living we could all use a few extra hundred dollars a day !

I tried making shorts with my art but they were also barely getting any views. I asked one youtuber I follow and he said that strangely even my shorts are dead. At this point I don't expect much from youtube. At least I can earn something by posting those videos on hive.

It’s very random. Travel Shorts do the best. I created one short from the kayak…. Added some Jaws music and it had over 200,000 views in one day ???? The key is to keep trying different stuff… some shorts get 10 views… some get 100 views…. every now and then you will get 1 million views and $3,000 in one day. Try everything. AI is big right now…. Make a few AI shorts, add popular music and you could go viral.

This was just an experiment that went viral … it was just a joke to send to my brother.

that is amazing numbers. congrats

Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes you get very unlucky.
The important thing is to have fun.