Not only is finding it easy to find their passion because I am a testify of it. I have always find it difficult to find my passion
Not only is finding it easy to find their passion because I am a testify of it. I have always find it difficult to find my passion
Hey, @adechina.
Yeah. Having passion for something, and then maintaining it over time and the ups and downs that come is pretty hard. I think you can get pretty tired of anything after a while.
Funny thing is, I used to get up early in the morning, race out to my office, and start writing on a novel. That was back when I still had the newspaper business, so I had good income that didn't require a whole lot of time each week, and I was excited about the story I was writing.
But since the novels have gone nowhere (it's been eight years since I published the first one), that passion has left. It's a lot of work to write that much and not have it do anything.
There may be ways to repurpose it, though, and maybe that can become my new passion. :)