Passion, what a strong word "Passion", how to give a true meaning to something that has its roots in the deepest part of our being.
Maybe we use it without sense or at wrong times, I stay in my thoughts what you say and it is very true sometimes we confuse what we call passion, like other things in life, without a doubt we have to see beyond what we see and feel more with free thinking and don't get confused. Wow I think I strayed from the subject, to end the photos are great, beautiful place, greetings.
Perhaps it is like love, we use it even when we don't mean it?
Yes, but watch from this point, each breath fills our lungs with oxygen, an electric charge that makes us fly and maybe want to touch the sun with one hand, well, that's what I feel, maybe you don't understand much what I'm saying since my English is very bad and the language barrier makes it more difficult.
But something if I can assure you of love and passion are prestigious if we don't know how to use or differentiate it, it's like that wise man once said; power and money seem the same but they are not.