A Content Profile gives an overview of your audience and how
they would perceive your brand. Every brand needs to attract its audience's attention and retention when drawing visibility to its service provisions. Since customers are the backbone of every firm, and gaining their attention and trust will lead to an increase in sales, revenues, and brand equity, a firm needs to build and keep an inseparable relationship with its customers. A content profile will not only help give a mapping of the audience and their needs, but it also considers ways a firm can build its relationship with customers. This post details everything about a goal-focused content profile. Following the 5 STEPS below will make your brand STAND OUT, providing your audience with a wonderful impression of its outlook.
- The Audience Baseline Demographics: Know Your Target Audience.
Consider the following:
- The Age Range: It is important to consider the age group of your targeted audience to ascertain what content type can best meet their interests.
Gender: Gender is also an important factor as you may need to personalize contents to get desired attention.
The Social Background of the Targeted Audience: This considers how informed and sophisticated the audience is. It takes into account the background and influence of your audience.
- Audience PAIN
Connect your audience with their passion, aspirations, interests, and needs about your service. Since the aim of managing social media platforms for business is to obtain and retain the buyer's interests, it is important to weave content around their experience on what your product/service offers. So, their passion, aspirations, interests, and needs are considered always.
- Audience Goals and Challenges
Consider their goals and the challenges they may have regarding your service.
Goals: Consider your customer's goals in using your product. Focus on how they can derive value and satisfaction from using a product.
Challenges: Looking at the several challenges that your audience may face, your content must meet their problems relating to convenience, quality, ethics, complaint, and experiences.
- Brand Personality
Personalize your brand by looking out at these elements.
Content Form:
Adopt a content form that works for your audience. Whether video, graphics, audio, infographics, memes, etc.Content Style:
Always, content must be engaging. By educating and inspiring the audience, content must relate to the buyer's interest.Content Tone:
Let your content be about your audience and for your audience. Your tone must be friendly and objective. Create a cohesive storytelling component of user experience and aim to solve customers' problems with your content.Brand Colour:
Let your brand color resonate with your content. Most times, it is color that works.Brand Slogan:
Have a slogan that will be incorporated in every content. The slogan must convey the brand's mission and customers' wants.Brand Voice:
Make originality a priority. Let your voice reflect your brand's values. Be sincere with your content.Brand Positioning: Position your brand well within your industry. Good positioning will help attract prospects and convert them to buyers.
Brand Authenticity:
Always aim to write for yourself. Let your brand sell itself by being itself. Every content you deliver must speak your mind.Brand Engagement: Engage with your audience by listening to them. Analyze their needs, and think in their minds. Always, you must give chance for feedback
- Brand Visibility:
Consider layouts and designs that will help you obtain and sustain the attention of your audience. There are three levels to obtain and retain your customers' attention.
- Sustaining Attention: Because everybody allocates mental resources to notice visual or conceptual objects, let your content hook and retain your target audience’s attention through objects and vivid symbols that relate to your product/service.
Selecting Attention: Tap into your audience's attention by becoming part of their regular content consumption habit. By proactively focussing on how content can continue to meet their needs, look deeper into content forms that your audience mostly relates with.
Alternating Attention: Allocate mental resources between different cognitive activities by capturing audience attention, fulfilling their needs for a new thrill, taking them to cloud 9. Shift your audience's attention around a body of experience about your product/service. For example, you can look at which of the five senses organ your product relates with. You can then provide content that will deeply connect to your audience.