aguadz cross-posted this post in OCD 5 years ago

30-Day Blogging Challenge Day 6 | My Pet Peeves

in Hive PH5 years ago

Hi Hivers!

Good Morning!

I have seen this 30-Day Blogging Challenge going around in Hive, and I have decided to join the fun. I have seen @straykat having his own 30-Day Blogging Challenge and got led me to the person whom initiated this, @tegoshei, thanks for this great idea and interesting topics that you have plotted for this challenge.

here.If you guys want to join the fun, you can see @tegoshei's post in

Today is day 6 of the challenge

Top Pet Peeves



All of us have things that annoy us the most.

I think my the personal reason or explanation for the list below is me being an introvert, so lets get to my top 5 Pet Peeves.

Barking Dogs

Personally I am not a fan of dogs, I mean as my pet. I prefer cats and fish rather than to have dogs as my companion in the house. Having a dog, especially those playful ones drains my energy and also I am quite annoyed when dogs start to bark continuously and endlessly.

I get distracted very easily to the things that I am doing, maybe this is the reason why I get very annoyed and easily annoyed when dogs bark non-stop. Also when sleeping, I feel like I get woken up by their barks easily.

I can take them barking, but I cannot remove the fact that I am not a fan of them barking and get annoyed to them.

Talkative Person

I also get annoyed to a very talkative person, but I do have my own definition for a talkative person

For me, a talkative person was a: person who I am not close to and a person who talks to me 3 hrs non-stop.

When you have both of this quality, I take you as a talkative person (BOTH). I do have friends whom I talk a lot also, I can talk to them for even a day because they were friends of mine. But if I just know you for a week, or were not even close enough? Then you talk to me non-stop, my energy will be drained and I will get annoyed to you. When this happen, I will feel uncomfortable with you and sometimes will make myself busy. I know it was kind of rude, but I think it is better rather than getting annoyed to you completely.

Vociferous/Loquacious Person

Almost the same with being a talkative, a vociferous or loquacious person.

Note: I just searched this word as I am not sure what kinds of person do they really are mabunganga. Please correct me in the comment section if I get it wrong 😂

They were those person who also talk much, but in an argument. So they were those persons who I am comfortable talking to, those were close to me and I get an argument into.

It is normal to get into an argument, but I prefer not to have a long argument. I used to stop talking in an argument, this is to avoid saying things that I do not really meant to say. I believe that whenever you are angry "people say things that they do not meant to say".

So I do not want to argue with a vociferous/loquacious person, because he/she might say things that he/she don't mean to me. I might get angry and might fail to stop myself and say things that I do not meant also. I really do want to avoid this, as it will only lead to a bigger argument.

Credit Grabber

This were just my opinion to people that I have seen in my life

I do not want this kinds of people, I get really annoyed to them. Once I have labeled a person as a credit grabber, I will see them as that most of the time. I know that it is not right, I know that it is not fair for them but I cannot stop myself from thinking that he/she is that kind of person.

I know some people whom grab credits that were supposedly for me, but I do not mind them that much. What I get annoyed is when the do credit grabbing to other person, especially to my friends and to those person whom really deserve to have the credits. Those person who actually work hard and gives their dedication and time. Those person who needs to be appreciated.

I also think that my decision of seeing a person as a credit grabber is more accurate or correct when they do it to others rather than myself. I feel like I can see both sides of the story.


This kinds of persons annoys me the most. Those who cannot fulfill their promise and/or lie.

I am not a fan of white lies

For me, a lie will never be a good thing, a lie is a lie. I think white lie were only a lie coated with something positive just to conceal or cover their guilt. No word could make a lie a positive thing, Me myself always try my best not to lie especially to those person that I love and care for.

Same for those person who breaks their promises, who lies to fulfill their promises. Failing promises to me will break my trust to the person, will make me get irritated and agitated whenever I remembers that promise given to me.

This is for today's topic, @aguadz' top pet peeves.

Hope to see you tomorrow for my new post 😊

To be updated with my entry for this challenge, please visit the links below. I also plan to make weekly posts for this challenge, making the full list of this challenge. Hope to see you in there.

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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]




About the Author


Fish Lover, a Cat Lover, a Self proclaimed Writer, Poet and Programmer.
An Introvert who uses Steem/Steemit to make a trademark of himself in the blockchain allowing him to stay alive forever.@aguadz, known as Zai in the real world was a

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