Tonight I want to talk about the morning activity at Dayah Ulumuddin, which is to commemorate Teacher's Day.
Yesterday, Saturday, November 27, 2021, in the morning all teachers and students at the Ulumuddin Dayah held an event that was often held every morning with a ceremonial agenda.
This Teacher's Day is an important day especially for those of us who study at the Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and teacher training, and the students are also educated at Dayah Ulumuddin, there is a special place to be specially educated.
And because he was educated in Dayah, there must be accustomed to being a teacher and being able to teach, so it is a must to be a person who can respect other people.
This is a special ceremony to commemorate teacher's day, but usually at Ulumuddin, the ceremony is special on Saturday and it's also the beginning of the month, it's still the end of the month, maybe next Saturday there will be another ceremony.
Next week, the ceremony will be carried out as if there is no exam, if there is an exam, this will not be done anymore because the children are already focused on studying the lessons they are taking exams.
Hopefully we can all be good teachers for everyone.
This looks nice! Apparently the international teachers day was a while ago and all the kids at school was congratulating me. I had no idea why until someone told me. I guess it's just not celebrated the same way in Norway.
If you're a teacher I welcome you to join and post in the Teachers Lounge community. It's small and not that active yet but we're growing steadily. There's also the Education community. Posting in communities is the way to go as you'll reach out to more people that might be interested in your content. The OCD community is meant for posts that don't fit into other communities.
Thanks for the advice, I'll try to follow what you suggested earlier.
Happy teachersday
Me angen that gee
Alhamdulillah vid, sigege beuna lagee nyan