The most beautiful memories that can not be forgotten.

in OCD5 years ago


Good night.
How are you, friends, Hive community.
Tonight I will post the most beautiful thing that can never be forgotten, namely graduation, where we have taken all the activities held both at high school and at the university level from any university, friend, this time I will display some photos of our memories at graduation. with my beloved family in April 2018.
The tattoo that I present is during my graduation at the University of Malikussaleh because I have completed the bachelor degree in informatics engineering for 4 years and 2 months.
We took photos with our beloved family because they were very happy to see the children who graduated especially when they went on stage to take proof of graduation from the chancellor and the senates who graduated from the graduated students.
I received an award from the campus because of the many achievements I got while in college, both from university activities and from outside which were held at every university in Indonesia.
