Amzzy's lecture 2

in OCD4 years ago

Amzzy's lecture 2


Welcome back to Amzzy lectures.
Earlier today,we discussed one of the punctuation marks known as apostrophe.
Although I explained somethings there ,but that was just the introductory part to apostrophe because apostrophe on its own contains a whole lot.

So in the comment section someone by name"Drig" requested to know the meaning and difference between "let and let's" and that was a sensible question .

Let's take a look at some example to clarify the difference between these mismatched words.

Let's vs lets.

Example 1
He lets the dog out twice in a week.

In this example,"lets" is a present and continous tense of the word "let"
Here" lets " means to allow or to grant permission or to permit.

So lets can also be replaced with allow" and the sentence becomes " he allows the dog out twice in a week".

There shouldn't be an apostrophe in the above example because it is not a combined word or a contraction word.

Are you lost?
By combined I mean two words joined together . e.g let and us when joined together becomes let's"this is a combined word.

Lets is just but a recurring term of the word let.

Hint 2: "he" is a singular pronoun . singular pronouns will go with singular verbs.( That is English rule)

No .you don't have to be.
When an S is added to a verb( verbs are action words or doing words) it makes it singular and when S is not added ,it makes it a plural verb.
They let the the dog out twice in a week.
"They" is a plural pronoun
And let is a plural verb.

Example 2
Let's take the dog for a walk today.

Here the let's used at the beginning of a sentence could mean two things
I suggest we
Or we will
Here let's have an apostrophe because it is a contraction or combined word from let and us.
The U in us is removed and is being replaced by an apostrophe.

Do you get that now???

Example 3
Mr Jeff Lets us earn each time we make a post.

In the above sentence,it is grammatical incorrect to say "Mr Jeff let's us to earn each time we make a post" it simply introduces repetition meaning" Mr Jeff let us us earn for each post we make.

Now that you have known the difference,apply it to you writting and make it appealing.

Hope you enjoyed my class.
Do have a nice day ahead.

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