Poem made easy part 2

in OCD5 years ago



Hi guys welcome back to amzzy lectures.

It has been a series of lectures on how to analyse poet seeing that most people don't get to understand.
I have already drop 4 post in which the first and second is an introductory post while the third and fourth were detailed on how to analyse a poem with an example.

I gave the first tip to analysing a poem which is reading it over and over again.
By reading a poem like 2 to 3times some questions should pop up in your mind. These are 3 WH Questions which must be answered.

Who is the speaker
Where is the setting
What is the form

So in this lecture,I would continue with the tips to analysing a poem and will also give an example for better understanding.

The second tips to analysing a poem lies in determining the subject matter.

What is the poem about? After reading a poem ask yourself what the poem is all about.what is this poem speaking of? What can I deduce from the poem? What is happening in the poem?

Don't be frightened by the whole Questions, it still point to one thing" the subject matter"
This is different from the theme or the topic of the poem .this simply means trying to know the experience,object, subject or the feeling the poet is passing across.

The subject matter can be about war, it can be about love or hatred,it could be about someone that was betrayed etc. Whatever it is try to get the experience from the poem.

The next tip is to understand or be able to determine what the poet is trying to express.
Is the poet trying to express hatred,love, betrayal.

When trying to determine what the poet is expressing,try as much as possible to drop all preconceived ideas and read the poem just as it is.

The third tip is to know the choice of sentence.
By Choi of sentence try to understand if the poet employed figurative devices that will take poem beyond their literary meaning.

Take for instance

"The sun smiled at me."

It is so clear that sun doesn't smile but what the poet implies is that the sun shine brightly.

So your understanding of figures of speech is a great tool to ANALYSING poems.

Lastly try to understand the impression the poet is portraying.

Impression covers the emotion or mood as well as the tone of the poet.
The poet can be aggressive,sad,gloomy, violent, humble,happy , disappointed in the poem.

By understanding the tune,it will give you an idea of the poet's attitude towards the subject or topic.
The tone is the manner in which a poet expresses his or her opinion.

Sounding so abstract? Don't worry yourself . AMZZY'S LECTURES got you covered.
In my next post,I will come up with an example for better understanding.

Image made by me.