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RE: Ulterior Motive & Juicy Details

in OCD4 years ago

This Biofake, it would still be an interesting read😎 of yours Mr. @dandays is probably my favorite piece written/posted by you so far... Even if it's partially

DID YOU TAKE SEGMENTS of MY LIFE and stick them in here...?!?!?!?

I was married to a Matisse 'Pilipina' too, but she was half Swedish/Norwegian; we met when I was ten and she, eight. Maybe that's why we lasted longer in marriage? Maybe not...???

My getting hit by a car, didn't happen till I was seven. I didn't fly as far as you, but rolled along the ground quite a distance after the short flight. Sprained my ankle only with some other bruising and my parents collected $300. for it😕 Kids weren't worth as much in the 1950's.

My motorized two wheel accident didn't occur till I was in my twenties, 'I' hit the car... it didn't hit me. I didn't fly far (like you) that time either though; the handlebars twisted just in time to catch my lower leg leaving me sprawled atop the trunk and rear window.

The synthetic body parts I have, is in my face - rebuilt after being on the wrong end of a solid, blunt object while eating an ice-cream cone, standing a bit too close to an enraged psychopath on a warm summers day.

As far as California is concerned... I'm NOT responsible for any of those traumatic events in your early life; so take me off your list of suspects! I haven't been to that State since 1973, my Filipina/Pilipina wife was too afraid of earthquakes to stay there permanently.

Seems we have a few more things in common, like

  • Being #68 trying to get to #69 (my favorite position number)
  • You're re-married, and I'm not
  • We're both male without having had a sex change operation.
  • I'm a senior citizen and you'll be one too in about 15 years.
  • We both sometimes write comments that are wayyyyyyy... tooooooooo... longgggg
  • Etc.