Good evening my dear friends, thanking God for the life he gave us and for guiding our steps, for teaching us to be an ever better person, helping our fellow men. These last two years have not been easy due to the pandemic, even with the hopes that soon this virus will move away from our lives. To get out of the routine a bit, I want to tell you that today my co-workers decided to go out for lunch and have a pleasant afternoon.
Estamos acostumbrados a hablar de trabajos, el día se nos va en llegar muy temprano a la empresa y cada quien con sus obligaciones y labores hasta que nos toque regresar a casa, entre tantos oficios nos estresamos mucho, pues para alejar un poco el estrés nos animamos a salir a almorzar fuera de la empresa.
We are used to talking about jobs, the day is going to arrive very early at the company and each one with their obligations and work until we have to return home, among so many jobs we stress a lot, because to remove stress a little We encourage you to go out for lunch outside the company.
En horas pasadas de las dos de la tarde mi compañera Meilyn y otro grupo grande nos dirigimos en una unidad de la empresa a una pollera muy conocida en Cumana, este local de comida se llama A QUE BIBI, y venden pollo a la Broaster acompañada de una buena ensalada, arepitas fritas, una exquisita guasacaca y por supuesto una fría coca cola que no debe faltar.
At past two in the afternoon, my partner Meilyn and another large group went in a company unit to a well-known pollera in Cumana, this food place is called A QUE BIBI, and they sell broaster chicken accompanied by a good salad, fried arepitas, an exquisite guasacaca and of course a cold coca cola that should not be missed.
En total fuimos nueve personas, les cuento que desde que entramos al local estábamos ansiosos de que nos sirvieran de primeros, el hambre se había echo dueño de nosotros, pero como el local es muy conocido la cola era grande, así que mientras esperábamos conversábamos, decían chistes y todo era risa, siempre dentro del grupo uno más gracioso que otro.In total we were nine people, I tell you that since we entered the place we were anxious to be served first, hunger had taken over us, but as the place is well known the queue was large, so while we waited we talked, they told jokes and everything was laughter, always within the group one more funny than another.
Después de una larga espera llegó la comida, les cuento mis amigos que tanta era la desesperación que casi no alcanzo para mostrarles una foto con la comida completa jajajaja, ya se podrán imaginar, por cierto los compañeros que me tocaron cerca eran los que más hambres tenían jajajja y casi me dejan sin nada a mi. Todo fue una risa y una linda experiencia.
After a long wait, the food arrived, I tell my friends how desperate I was that I could hardly show them a photo with the full meal hahahaha, you can imagine, by the way the companions who touched me were the most hungry They had hahaha and they almost left me with nothing. It was all a laugh and a nice experience.
Bueno mis amigos estos es todo por hoy espero les guste mis post, y la verdad que yo la pasé super por supuesto desearía que se volviera a repetir, hasta la próxima cuidense se les quiere mucho 😘😘😘😘
Well my friends, these are all for today I hope you like my post, and the truth is that I had a great time of course I wish it would be repeated, until next time take care of yourselves they love you very much 😘😘😘😘
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