Challenge! - My Introduction to the Hive Community

in OCD5 years ago (edited)
You might be well versed about blogging in a Blockchain based social media. Most of you might have tens of blog posts on your profile and already have an audience, getting some interactions and support on your posts. Some of you don't think an introduction is necessary because in reality, nothing has changed from a week ago, we are blogging the same way, we are just part of a better, improved and more decentralized community.

But the people out there don't know about all of this.

Also, this Blockchain still hasn't had the pleasure of getting to formally know you. We just came and started blogging here.

All she knows is that thousands of users are blogging on top of her - the Blockchain I mean, and yeah, for me, the Blockchain is a she.


So, let's fix that, let's introduce ourselves to the Blockchain, the community and especially, let's introduce this social media platform to the outside world.
Let's make our Introduce Yourself post on Hive.

It doesn't matter if you've been blogging on a Blockchain for years and you have hundreds of posts. It is irrelevant if you think that people already know who you are and what you write about. It's not important if you believe there's nothing new about you from a week ago.

Now is your chance to write an Introduce yourself post, telling your new readers who are you,updating your old audience about what you've been doing during the past few years, what are you doing on Hive, and much, much more.

So, make a post about you.

Post it on HIVE using the tags #hive-174578, #myhiveintro, and #posh.

Share your Hive Post on Twitter (using a @peakd link) using the hash tags #hiveisalive, #myhiveintro, #hive and #crypto. Don't forget to include a link to!

Share your tweet on the comment section of your post so we can go to Twitter and retweet it.

@blocktrades and @ocdb will be voting on these posts depending on the effort and quality put into making your intro post, so give it your best shot! After all, it will be your Introduction post to Mrs. Hive and its community!

Blocktrades and ocd-witness are part of the consensus witnesses that protected our decentralized nature and participated in bringing to the community what today, we all know as #Hive. Don't forget to use all your witness votes!

There are 4 pages

I will be doing one tomorrow as well!

Re-introduction coming up on Hive of mine ;)

Thanks a lot. I wrote my post today.

I knew this was coming, nice initiative.

We should really carry on with 'Hive onboarding' BTW!

Hope we read yours! And definitely, we gotta get on track with it, I'll write you guys as soon as possible!

I'll start writing some stuff, funnily enough I find myself with some extra, unexpected time on my hands this Spring!

That's a great idea. I've read a couple already and it's been so interesting to find out new things about them. Will definitely be on board

I have the feeling that 99% of the intros read on Hive will be waaay different than those we wrote when we started blogging on the other chain, I can't wait to read some of them!

No lo había visto desde tu punto de vista...Porque me lo pregunté ¿sabes? Me dije ¿por qué no haces un introduceyourself? Pero luego, me respondí que podría pecar de egoísta (por aquello del ego inflado). Pero la verdad, las nuevas personas que se incorporan a la nueva cadena, tienen derecho a conocer que hacemos acá. Espera por el mío..!

Firma Bloque64.png

I hope we will also read yours at some point ;)

I'm actually writing it right now! Gonna be hard so write about these past 3 years + the 27 before my first intro post :D
Are we gonna get to read yours?

I guess that after asking you the question I have no choice? ;)

I first need to finalise the migration of the SteemSTEM/HiveSTEM/new-name-soon curation tools and then I will do it!

And yours :D

Okay okay (see my comment above) 😁

Welcome to Hive! I have been impressed with the community so far.

Following to support.

Thanks for the follow! I take that we're going to get to see your intro post at some point?

I did an introduceyourself yesterday on HIVE using the tag, but it wasn’t that in-depth; more of a hello to the folk who I already know through steem. I guess it was also an announcement that I’m using the new chain to blog 😁

Nice challenge tho, I hope it takes off!

Well now it's your chance to make an in-depth post about yourself and share it on Twitter, get some interactions and spread the word about #Hive :D


I like your idea, maybe I'll make a renewed introductory post.

It will definitely be interesting to read yours, updated and all :D

My sweet friend! You make a very good point, I'll have to do that introductory post. Love seeing you here!

Hey hey! I was wondering if you came to the party with us, I guess this is my answer! I can't wait to read yours!! Hugs!

Aw, I keep running into reasons why I loved Steemit- the people I met, all flowing into a new place, it's awesome! Huge hugs back at you handsome!

Definitely, an Intro is needed. Though we have same people but we have Brand new platform so its required. I will submit mine soon. Thanks.

Exactly this, we're blogging on a brand new platform bases on a brand new Blockchain, it only makes sense to introduce ourselves to the community :D

Will surely post mine later today!

Awesome Mike! Glad to have you on board!

Mike? :D

I think you're mistaking me for @simplymike lol

Hahaha, apparently, it's not as 'simply' as you'd think, right 😂

Crazy, i just had to do a double-take b/c i did the same thing 🤣

Oh well 😅

In fact I didn't make a good #introduceyourself post on steem but I always wanted to. It's already been over two years with this community and it is only now that I'm getting an opportunity to make one.. Will do.

Now is the chance to do it, glad the post caught your attention :) I'm looking forward to read your long overdue intro post!

Awesome. Just about to publish mine and share it on twitter :D Let's get the HIVE and everyone else out there!

That was fast! Thanks for joining and for spreading the word about Hive on Twitter!

Ehehe it is a pleasure. I was just editing another post. So I have decided to put a pause on that and createbone for this initiative. And also quarantine got me motivated to pump content ehehe hope it is what You guys were looking for. I had fun actually writting this one. :)

No lo veía necesario pero seria bueno comenzar en una nueva casa presentándonos, creo que así nos conoceremos un poco más. Seguro haré mi introducción, me gusta la iniciativa. Saludos Erick.

I will start on my own humble attempt and post it tomorrow amigo!

That's great to hear man! Also great to see you roaming on these corners of the crypto space!

Hi Eric, a man's gotta do what a man,s gotta do! Lol
Not roaming, but in the charity's case, rather prowling hahaha

I already made one when we first got here. I hope just switching my tags will be good to still enter.

Make sure to share it on Twitter and use the tags and that should be enough! Don't want to leave those who already introduced themselves out of the fun :D

That's another great initiative. Like it and I will enter very soon!
#hiveisalive New blockchain-New Initiative-New Intro!
Let's move with something new with new identity.

Exactly! Time to move on and adopt a new identity and with it, the community!

Really very good initiative 😍🙏

Here is my Tweet

♥♥ for HIVE 😍😍

Te apoyamos en esta iniciativa de difusión para
#hive y de oportunidad de reflexión y crecimiento
de los nuevos usuarios, al menos en esta nueva

Publicación curada manualmente por Club12

¡¡¡Vamos por más!!!

Here is my Tweet

Greetings, what a great opportunity to meet again and see what we are currently publishing

Exactly this, it's like a reintroduction :D

I got my post done, check it out:

Lets onboard more people and get this place buzzin!

Hola!! @anomadsoul.
Me encanta verte nuevamente en acción.
@blocktrades y @ocdb tienen todo mi apoyo,
tan pronto sepa como votar en esta cadena.
Y aquí dejo el enlace de mi publicación

This is a great initiative, now time to know more about Hivers. Time to introduce myself :D

My post and tweet.. It was great to reintroduce myself and now I am comparing my initial and current Introduction post... Silly me...

I will do that!

Kinda slow on this one as I put out a post like this 5 days ago.

I know you all have been busy getting things up and running though. I hope to see some more posts out there reintroducing themselves to this blockchain.

You were fast! You can just edit the tags and share it on Twitter and you're set to go :D

The payout is too close for all of that. I just wanted you to know that I felt this should have been done a few days ago. I do not want to post another one just to get an upvote, that feels so wrong!

I never got much attention from OCD on my posts, for the most part, as my channel is too small to get any curation rewards for your delegators. It is all good, hope you have a wonderful day!

Heyho you fancy hivestylers.

We are a "new" newspaper for the german community on the Hive chain. Formerly know as the STEEMillu on the STEEM Blockchain. After hours of work on rebranding we are now done and published our first issue of the "HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine" with our introduce build inside.

Our twitch post is here.

I wish you all best of luck on the Hive chain.

That was fun. Here is a link to both my post and my tweet if you are interested in reading.


Nice, of course I'm interested, hopefully more people will be :D

this is great! i still remember the first time i made my presentation at steemit over two years ago and i never thought i would stay for so long

It's amazing how a community can surprise us so much right? I couldn't leave even if I wanted to haha

I think this initiative is great... I will prepare my new introduction which will be more than a presentation, it will be a summary of what I have done during all this time :)

A great way to introduce yourself to the new community, I love it @anomadsoul A creative idea, thanks

Una estupenda forma de presentarse en la nueva comunidad, @anomadsoul me encanta. Una creativa idea, gracias.

Mi post

Sweet plan. I'll get to working on mine

Awesome man! Good to have you on board!

I was just coming through to see what was going on with OCD when I saw your post ... but, I already covered that...

My post:

My tweet:

Oh yes, OCD is on hive! Glad to see you joining the initiative Dee :)

New challenge! Yaay!

Oh yessss, so good to see you here by the way!

Always on the best places with the most cool people!

BTW, what is the deadline of the contest?

Great initiative ! Cannot wait to participate :)

You have time, make it a great one!

Done, here is my tweet:

Great, I'll check it out today!

I like that, a brand new world.
I knew you'd be here on Hive man, Hive on!

Hello friend, congratulations, greetings.

A few days ago I kind of went ahead and made that post so it might be worth that if I edit the labels?

Ah I realized it's with hive ha ha ha and I did in PEAKD well do my new presentation...

Yes, just edit the tags and share it on Twitter!

We all know you already ;) welcome to #hive

But maybe not everyone knows everyone, so let's make an intro post to hive!

Thanks! It means a lot that you joined man :D

Re-introduction coming coming soon...

Thanks For Information...

Hive On! Big Communities.

Aceh - Indonesia

Looking forward to reading it!

Absolutely great. It's never too much when it comes to making ourselves known. The truth is that I've been in this world for two years and even though I've written many posts, I know that almost nobody knows me. Excellent initiative. I'm going to do my introduction! Thanks @anomadsoul

Before reading this I made sort of an introduction on my latest painting. Now, I've updated it with the proper tags and shared it on Twitter 😀

There are 4 pages