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RE: erm... today... let me tell you something NEW pals.

in OCD4 years ago

Some idealistic folks actually do what we do as a matter of principle not that some esoteric powers that be directed us to.

The very design of the system is that users self moderate and there is harmony when we can have consensus on what sort of activities should be rewarded.

Of course, many of these defenders can be quite hypocritical and arguably taking more cookies from the jar than they protect but not all of us are like that.

Some have higher principles in operation and good intentions. We can always disagree but then dialogue can ensue and I would say there is value even in that.

In any case, from my observation @keys-defender is not one of the aforementioned hypocrites. He's putting in good dev work for nominal returns. That deserves a pat on the back imo.


For sure. I understand that there's a need for self moderation here. Wether that's good or bad is up for debate. But "consensus on what sort of activities should be rewarded" is never gonna happen. There's always gonna be disagreement. And then the "defenders" come along and pretend that they represent this imaginary consensus that isn't really there. And them claim to be righteous for "defending" people, many whom don't even want it! I'm sure many have good intentions... but you know what they say about the road to hell. I've never personally heard of Keys Defender until I read about them in this post... so I'm just going off what @por500bolos said here... if something is incorrect I'm happy to know the truth.

Sure. Their issue seems to be regarding reposting for rewards or "double-dipping".

I personally don't think my discontent about payout really would justify if I were to engage in the same.