Greetings, dear Hiverian community. Wherever you are, I hope you are doing well and are in good health. Today I return to this digital community, I had taken my small steps on the Steemit platform. I spent about two years writing on different topics. Then, due to health and work, I couldn't dedicate more time than required. In all this time that I was away from this platform, in addition to recovering my health a little, I dedicated myself to finishing some pending issues that I had with the academic.
Por ello, en esta nueva etapa, quisiera escribir sobre diferentes temáticas, explorar en este vasto océano todas las posibilidades que nos ofrece. Cuando he expuesto esta idea, muchos me dicen que debo hacerme de un nicho, escribir sobre lo que sé, pero me resulta algo ilógico, puesto que la idea es aprender de todo un poco en esta vida, no encasillarnos en una sola área del saber.
For this reason, in this new stage, I would like to write about different themes, explore all the possibilities that it offers us in this vast ocean. When I have exposed this idea, many tell me that I should carve out a niche, write about what I know, but it seems somewhat illogical to me, since the idea is to learn a little about everything in this life, not pigeonhole ourselves into a single area of knowledge.
Mi blog será variado, que cada vez que me siente frente al computador me den ganas de escribir, que lo que redacte le guste a otros les guste o que simplemente me expongan sus ideas contrarias. Espero que las personas que lean mis escritos puedan dejar comentarios a los que luego yo les responda, claro está guardando el respeto que nos merecemos.
My blog will be varied, that every time I sit in front of the computer I feel like writing, that others like what I write or that they simply expose their contrary ideas to me. I hope that the people who read my writings can leave comments to which I then respond, of course it is keeping the respect we deserve.
Me encantan los temas que tienen que ver mundos distópicos, los que te ayudan a vibrar en buena onda, cine, series… todo lo que tiene ver con la cultura pop y mucho más. Sencillamente si existe un techo para conocer, aprender y desaprender, cosa que es muy importante, sería la parte superior del universo, si eso existe o se llama así.
I love topics that have to do with dystopian worlds, those that help you vibrate in good vibes, movies, series... everything that has to do with pop culture and much more. Simply if there is a ceiling to know, learn and unlearn, which is very important, it would be the top of the universe, if it exists or is called that.
Espero poder aprender mucho en esta nueva etapa. Ser más consecuente y entender por qué volví a #hive. Aunque no lo crean es una decisión que sopesé mucho, anteriormente las publicaciones me agobiaban no sabía sobre qué escribir o tenía muchas ideas; el tiempo no me alcanzaba, debido a mis actividades; luego el tema de la luz y la internet; es decir, muchas cosas me causaban malestar.
I hope to learn a lot in this new stage. Be more consistent and understand why I came back to #hive. Believe it or not, it is a decision that I weighed a lot, previously the publications overwhelmed me, I did not know what to write about or I had many ideas; time was not enough for me, due to my activities; then the theme of light and the internet; that is to say, many things caused me discomfort.
Ahora que puedo comprender un poco más, no es que me las sé todas, como dirían por allí, es que quiero abordar las cosas de manera diferente y si me vuelvo a desistir, igual tomaré un descanso y volveré.
Now that I can understand a little more, it's not that I know everything, as they would say over there, it's that I want to approach things differently and if I give up again, I'll still take a break and come back.
Así que amigos #hive estoy de vuelta y ya me verán con temas tan locos y tan serios que se sorprenderán.
So friends #hive I'm back and you'll see me with topics so crazy and so serious that you'll be surprised.
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