Fight - oil on canvas.

in OCD5 years ago



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oil on canvas



Hello to all dear friends, welcome back to my blog. The owner of a boxing and wrestling gym commissioned me to have a decorative and artistic panel to furnish a wall.


I showed him some sketches and he really liked this oil painting subject that I share with you. I tried to represent human figures with dynamic lines in a vortex of movements and gestures. The style is very similar to Expressionism with a closeness to Cubism for example Picasso first way.


I also included a bull as a symbol of invincible strength, altruism and sacrifice, elements and qualities that prevail in the athletes of the fight and boxing.


By changing the original composition, cutting and reassembling the parts of the painting, we also agreed on the possibility of making another panel for another wall.

In this way.

Senza nome 1.jpg

I hope you enjoyed the painting.

A hug.



Ciao a tutti cari amici, bentornati sul mio blog.

Il proprietario di una palestra di pugilato e di lotta libera mi ha commissionato un pannello decorativo e artistico per arredare una parete. Gli ho mostrato alcuni bozzetti e ha gradito molto questo soggetto dipinto ad olio che condivido con voi. Ho cercato di rappresentare con linee dinamiche le figure umane in un vortice di movimenti e gesti.
Lo stile è molto simile all'espressionismo con una vicinanza al cubismo ad esempio di Picasso prima maniera.

Ho inserito anche un toro come simbolo della forza invincibile, dell'altruismo e del sacrificio, elementi e qualità che prevalgono negli atleti della lotta e del pugilato.

Attraverso il cambio della composizione originale, tagliando e riassemblando le parti del dipinto abbiamo anche concordato la possibilità di fare un altro pannello per un'altra parete.

in questo modo

Senza nome 1.jpg

Spero che il dipinto vi sia piaciuto.

Un abbraccio.


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separatore 2.jpg

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Art teacher
Curator of cultural activities
Artistic director and President of the Cultural Association "I Colori della Vita"

and "Fuori Controllo" Festival


separatore 2.jpg


Wow it is great to see an oil piece by you!

thank you so much dear, a big hug.


@armandosodano this is a very lovely arts and I like it. This art piece took you like how many days before it got completed?

A few hours, but it took me longer to make the different sketches for the client.
In this case it is very difficult to understand exactly what a person who is not in the sector wants, go to attempts to show a piece that satisfies him.

That's a good job. I understand. I am also an amateur artist,I understand the basics of paintings.its quite difficult to satisfy some clients.