Ignoring, muting notifications etc is all quite reasonable. You're NOT silencing them, just toning down the volume. They CAN still reachh you and engage, albeit you're making that harder. And it's true that facebook attracts a LOT of angry trolls who seem intent on arguing.
But those of us on Hive who purport to value free speech? Yes, often we are not skilled or overwhelmed. But that doesnt justify blocking or excluding or silencing people. Ever.
Censoring SEEMS easy but all it does is compound anger and frustration for it to spew out somewhere else, later. It resolves nothing and damages community.
People who SEEM intent on being beligerant are usually just expressing an unmet need. It's up to us collectively to find out what that is, and channel their energy elsewhere. The more we block and deny, the more we become that whch we denounce in others.
Tact? I wish I could produce it and fling it around like fairy dust. After sprinkling it rather liberally around myself. 😆