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RE: Unexpected Greenhouse Goodies

in OCD5 years ago

It's funny to see greenhouses and for people to assume it's normal. Here in Asia we have SHADEhouses for veggies - to prevent them from burning and too much sun. LOL.

It never ceases to please me to see seeds sprouting. 😍

Good call on avoiding the shops and eating from the garden as much as you can.


Well... these last couple of years, I turn my greenhouse in a shade house in summer. It has been so incredibly hot the last 3 years or so that I take a special kind of canvas that we normally use to create shade when we go out candy, and hang it over the greenhouse so the plants don't burn.
And believe it or not, I have been thinking about doing that today already. Four weeks of full sun and summery temperarures. It's almost 40°C inside the greenhouse.
I have a couple of tomato seedlings in there... they can't take that much sun. Next week it's gonna be a bit cooler again, though.

Btw, what I was meaning to ask you: do you have Belgian or Dutch roots? You are Pure Thai Naturals on Twitter, no? 😉

I AM dutch, Mike. Yes, Pure Thai Naturals on twitter, which is also the name of my herbal-natural products company in Thailand. I was born in Den Haag, Holland. 2nd half of my childhood plus "a few years" in Australia. And now 17 years in Thailand.

The locals here - we do it too - build shade structures over garden beds using slatted bamboo (which we have in plague proportions).