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Are you aware? Now more and more communities are emerging. Every month, there are more than one billion people participating in Facebook groups. Within five seconds of this sentence being read, it can be assumed a new community has been formed.
Building a community is part of being human. However, now more and more people enter and leave the community at will.Therefore, we need to build loyalty from community members, one of them is by learning the community engagement cycle.
Don't Launch Community
The community is not launched, but starts from small things that grow naturally through a strong foundation. Even so, you might have to announce that someone can join the community.
Building a community is like building a party.To be a successful and lively party, careful preparation is needed, has a large following, and makes a good and lively impression;as well as building a community.
People join communities to feel safe and validated
Why do people join the community? Because those who are able to collaborate and socialize are people who can survive and succeed.No one is able to survive alone, the community makes us have more opportunities to feel safe and survive.
Find people who have the same views, who want space to meet and interact together.
High Quality Member Selection
We have limited time to spend with everyone.Build the best community in your company through people of the highest quality.
Build Relationships Directly and Through Online
In an age of increasingly developing technology, building online community networks is important, but establishing direct relationships and meetings is equally important, both of which must be managed in a balanced manner.
Manage First Interaction
At the first meeting, your members do not yet have any picture and experience of how the workings and culture of the community you formed. Therefore, your job is to set an example and give comfort to your new members, when comfort has been formed, your real goal is to strengthen the sense of belonging to the community.In addition, also create examples that make them want to actively participate in your community since the first meeting.
The Most Important thing: Yourself
There may be times when everyone is silent and doesn't respond to you, but everything goes back to yourself, don't let things happen, thaw the atmosphere.