Is it possible for me to simply acknowledge that my cloth mask is pretty useless against the spread of viruses and that there shouldn’t be a threat of force against me should I choose not to wear one, without being a nutjob or conspiracy theorist?
I don’t fall into the left-right, Democrat-Republican, pigeon-holing, fearmongering-fest of pseudo-science, hypocrisy, and general stupidity. So it doesn’t matter to me who claims what about Covid or which of the Amendments people still support. It’s all pretty amusing and mostly pointless.
And finally, your right to have CoVid-19 ends when you start spluttering it all over other people's faces.
This assumes that I have Covid and am shedding the virus. What if I’m not, like the millions upon millions of people who don’t have it and cannot shed it by breathing or speaking?
Should we be threatened with state violence to acquire and wear a useless mask?
Should we be forced to go buy masks that don’t prevent the spreading of viruses just to make other people feel safer? (Most of the medical masks that would reduce the spread of viral infections aren’t available, so most are left with various cloth versions or bandanas.)
It would seem that your right to feel safer ends when you or your elected representatives in government threaten force against others who have not harmed you or threatened to harm you. Simply assuming that everyone is shedding Covid is not a legitimate threat of harm to your person.
And even if you felt that this threat from others was real, it is your responsibility to take the proper precautions to protect yourself, as always. Depending on others to make you safer is never a good solution.
I understand that people probably should take more care to help prevent the spread of viruses but I simply cannot agree with legal mandates that force people to do things and prescribe punishments such as fines, jail time, or a loss of licenses for not complying...or for not adequately enforcing those rules on others (which is also happening).
The world is losing its collective mind over some of this stuff and there’s no reason why we need to just play along. Take responsibility for yourself. Use your own judgment. Stop buying into political divisions. Don’t be dicks to each other. And for the love of god...stop resorting to violence against each other to enforce arbitrary laws and mandates.
Surely we can do better than fear, panic, ignorant and rash decisions, and physical aggression. If we can’t improve upon that typical and traditional way of life, then maybe we need some stronger viruses to wipe us out, because this kind of life cycle really isn’t worth living.
Of all the things an authoritarian government could do, you think it's making people wear masks. Seriously? Why the fuck would they bother?