Death Lessons

2020 is ironic in many ways, mostly because I've seen people I know die and today is not any better as we've lost another Legend - Chadwick Bozeman.
Few days ago, someone I knew died and while I'm still grieving, I've realized and come to the reality of certain things.
• Tomorrow isn't sure: Yeah this sounds quite morbid and all, but it's the truth. Death is inevitable. We're not even sure of the next one hour, so make the most of every moment while you still can.
• Be Grateful: it's very easy to take little things for granted until they're no longer there. Be Grateful for friends, family, life, love and everything that makes you happy. Remember, life is a gift.
• Don't live a life of regrets: let the people around you know you love them through your words and actions, be kind to people, you will be remembered by how you make people feel.
• Live today: don't spend time second-guessing what happened in the past. Live life to the fullest. Laugh endlessly. Love fearlessly. The present is where life occurs. Stop worrying about the future (yes, plan for the future, but don't waste time worrying about it). Take that vacation, no one knows tomorrow, do that 'fun-stuff', stop procrastinating and live your life! Remember you only live once. Be happy and do what brings happiness to your life! Life is too short, so make it count.
We've all had our fair share of loss. You could add one or two lessons death has taught you.
Sorry for your loss. Indeed, we have to treasure the moments while we still can. Regrets are always there too but I just think shit happens and we can't change that so YOLO.
Thanks a lot