Welcome on board Hira, honesty, you don't fit on the mentioned age might be you are a seafood lover 😂 hehe well hive blockchain is unique and interesting. Specifically, as you are already having enough knowledge you can create high waves in the meantime. Hmm, movie lover 😁 how do you manage your time? Even if I can't do this in my bachelor life hehe you are amazing. I am glad to have such professional people like you from Pakistan.🤭
Haha, feels good to see your acknowledgement. As a matter of fact, I'm not a seafood lover, instead I love junk. Basically anything cheesy and creamy is my instant favorite. I eat in portions though.
I don't call myself a professional, just that I have been on blockchain for a long time now. It has become more of a hobby. I enjoy interacting with talented individuals. It helps me grow as a person.
I don't find time for movies or books, specially I can't binge watch or read like bachelor days. What I do now is read few pages daily or watch an episode before bedtime. Time management helps a lot. Otherwise it's chaos in my home. It's hard to manage home, lookafter kids and at the same time doing what you love.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I just skimmed through your blog and already like your creative content. Hoping to keep interacting with you in future.
Hehe some people believe that seafood keeps you young that's why said so 🤣 otherwise people like often say "I will embrace death but not prawns " lol. About the time management might be I have to take some classes from you hehe. Thanks for the skim 🤫 I was off last week because of an exam but surely will keep pace with new emerging faces as today I am feeling more competent to see you both 🤗
Haha, might be true about seafood as it's healthy. I am that person, i-will-embrace-death-but-won't-eat-prawns.
Also, I'm not a time-management pro. There is always one good day followed by two bad days. But I try not be hard on myself. It's okay to be unorganized every now and then; reminds me that I'm a human not a robot.
I'm sure we are going to have fun here with people like you around us. 😀