The past

in OCD5 years ago

Image source: pixabay

Do you really think we can be completely free of the past.
Maybe move on completely without the ghost of the past coming to hunt us?
What if you've actually moved on but the people you were involved with has not yet moved on?
What would you do in a time like that?

People always say the best thing to do is make peace with your past so that it won't affect your future.
So we try to make peace right?
We settle our differences with people and go our separate ways but does it just end like that?

Some past just go into hiding and then they come out when your future starts to get better so they can destroy it.

Let's see the case of a jealous Ex-lover (a girlfriend or boyfriend). Y'all both agreed on breaking up and going in search of your life on your own. But then when everything starts getting better or let's say you get involved with a new person and you become genuinely Happy. Then they show up out of the blue. That person is your past who you've made peace with but they refuse to accept it. They are still holding on to how you use to be with them.
They become obsess with you. Now that past becomes dangerous and unhealthy for your future.

Our past can affect us in different ways that we might not know. I would say the best way for our future to be free is to not make any mistake in our present time that Will cost us our future. But LOl, we are Humans and we are bound to make mistakes.

Everyone is fighting an unseen Battle either little or big, everyone have a past they wish was never there. A mistake they wish they never made.

As I like to say, I don't regret anything that I have done cause at some point those things made me happy or those people made me happy. Now I have to understand that people change.Even I changed,with age and everything we realize some people are just not part of our future,they do not share in our goals,they don't support us in things we take interest in. Their interest and how they see life also changed.
People might love you now and not love you the next day. Bad things happen. People are being taken advantage of. Others might even fake Loving you so they can get something from you. So I no longer worry about what others say or do,as long as my intentions are pure and genuine I know I will find someone that Will also be genuine with me. But untill then, anybody that comes in to my life will be either a blessing or a lesson.

Some past are too hurtful for us to forget and some scars too deep to heal.
People we thought will always have our back are now the ones going against us. But why can't the past really be in the past. Maybe the mistakes we made are just there to teach us not to make bigger ones.

Honestly I don't think the past really stays there, some Look for a way to hunt the future. We can't fight the past but we can correct our today for a better tomorrow. So that even when the past comes crawling back we will have enough strength to deal with it and not be swallowed whole by it.

Make your today so that tommorow you will be at an advantage over your yesterday.


Recently too I have learned that in order to create a future that we want, we have to live in the moment to create moments that become the past; moments which lead us closer to where we want to be. That is to say, we create our past in the present, and not the other way around. Past choices in previous moments brought us here, but we can choose to create a new past now by doing the things now that will lead us to where we want to be in the future; staying fully present in each moment thereby creating the past that we prefer. My head warped around backwards when I heard that for the first time, and now I am grateful for opportunity to share this with you.

Beautiful comment.
I totally agree with you. What we do now,will one day become our past. We can make good use of our time in the present in order to create our desired past. Thank you @darkflame for your beautiful comment.


Awesome post @ayorae packed with valuable life lessons.