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RE: A thought about The Hallway

in OCD5 years ago

I am a lifetime member of Musuem of Fine Arts in Houston MFAH. I am actively involved in 'consuming' art; both my daughters goes to art school. My wife paints. We have 50+ painting on our walls (mostly student art, and we are out of space). I am the odd one out in the family, I sometime paint.... but not to generate art, but for therapy :) So bottomline I don't have a choice NOT to understand art :)

The movie is based on a book by Koji Suzuki. Again, the book is more vivid than the movie. I read a lot of Japanese Literature... especially lately on magical realism. So the thought came naturally.

Again, I think it is a spectacular painting. I can write a short story on it if I had the time :)


Oh wow, lovely family! Having the whole family being engaged in art is a great experience I bet. I'm the only one in the family that does art. Not even my cousins and other relatives so I don't have that kind of other sources of knowledge, only books and colleagues.

I don't have a choice NOT to understand art :)

Yeah that makes a lot of sense lol.

That's really touching T_T Would be so cool for you to write about it! (even you thinking of doing it is cool enough already!)