
Well its a social media platform, so maybe it would provide proof of engagement?
Why would it be a negative in your eyes ?

Do you think It may be an easy fix for dealing with these kind of accounts which as far as i have been able to tell have only be used for abusing others so far?

@mandraki @grenilcu @brassir @artrilstev @rezdam @clirkliev @warzi @blickhil @dentbos @septima @moille @pfisbrem @inbort


You have a unique perspective on things.
While reading your replies, a video i saw in my feed came to mind. I did not watch it but as it came to mind I hunted for, found and watched it.

I would be most interested to learn what your thoughts are on the subject.

Nils Melzer UN Special Rapporteur on Torture: Assange "has been tortured & continues to be tortured"

If someone posts spam on their own blog, just unfollow them. How is this going to "inconvenience" anyone? If anything, it'll probably encourage more engagement.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

It would expose them to retaliation.

If I'm bullet-proof, I can shoot down anyone I wish with impunity.

If I'm bullet-vulnerable, I'll probably be slightly more careful who I shoot down, in order to mitigate potential retribution.