The end of the zoo era?

in OCD5 years ago

Looking at the events of recent days, when doctors are forced to choose which of the patients to live and to whom, the time has come to die, due to the lack of medical personnel and ventilation equipment, I would like to ask ourselves whether, in general, we need zoos?

What will happen to them?

People have proved once again that their desire to see something new may play a bad joke with them and with those who, by the will of fate, remained in a cage, became a hostage to this situation.

How many animals in zoos, now, expects people to decide where they will spend the money, whom to live, and to whom, to die.

I took these photographs in the zoo of our city, three years ago, but, a few months ago, I edited these photographs.

Then, I did not know that they would be very relevant today.

On the one hand, this is a bad time, but it gives us the opportunity to review our lives, draw some conclusions, and single out the main thing from the secondary.


Perhaps when the pandemic fades away, a new time will come, a time of freedom for those whom we looked at as our toys, which exist only for what would be fun for us.

Now, we, like animals in zoos, are sitting in cages, wears muzzles, we keep our distance from each other, like chain dogs.

It seems to me that the time has come for freedom from petty desires.


Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera
I edited a photo in the program PhotoDirector, which I also installed on my smartphone.

UkraineAuthor @barski

For my publications, I do not use stock photographs, it is fundamentally important for me to use photographs that I have made with my own hands for publication and I can name them - authorial work.



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Якщо ми об'єднаємось і будемо старанно всі разом творити якісний UA вміст в одну спільноту, ми зможемо отримати почесне місце на Hive, як поважна і дружня українська команда.
Будь ласка, відвідайте наш акаунт TyT та ознайомтесь з правилами TyT!Доброго дня, @barski!

Чи подобається вам ідея? Дайте зворотній зв'язок! Нам важлива присутність кожного українця!

Доброго дня, @quac. Спасибо за приглашение, но, есть один момент, который, меня останавливает. Я не знаю украинской граматики. Я, её, не изучал, так как, большую, часть жизни, прожил в Молдове, мой родной язык - русский, язык оккупантов, так, исторически сложилось. Я понимаю украинский и могу на нем говорить, могу заполнить бланк, лол, но, не более того. Если, мне будет позволенно переводить при помощи переводчика, то, я попробую. Тех, кто будет делать мне замечания насчет граматики, буду посылать, не украинскою мовою))

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