At least one maybe two ideas. You do very well at your "Grandpa's gotta cook" post. Fluid entertaining, and has pictures, and you have a catalog of post that you can use. You like the copy page set up work for a newspaper, make up two or three mock pages for your local paper take them to the wherever they take submissions and plug a weekend feature page to them. I don't know how much papers pay for that kind of thing but it is work you were going or did do already with just a little up-touch for a paper.
The music thing, maybe put it to work with a collaboration with someone, you write lyrics, you can sing, look for someone that writes music and plays an instrument or something and do a song or two on a podcast or make a video. Post it on paying sites and see if you get any traction. I like some of soundlegions videos and they seem to get a few votes.
back to the sounds, maybe do an old style radio show podcast, kind of like The Shadow radio show from 1930's. People always want something to listen to while they walk or run or exercise or ride in the car. Do a weekly podcast, after a couple of months maybe approach your local radio station and see if they might be interested in a 15 minute to 30 minute old style radio show, you would have a back log of your podcast to run as an overnight radio test.
Okay, well I wish you luck, I am sure you will find something that stirs your cup of tea.
Hey, @bashadow.
All of that would be pretty cool to try. Thanks for the suggestions. The old style radio show would be the most fun, I think. We're about do for radio to make a comeback, right? :) Things have a way of cycling around, like music, fashion and societal norms.
If I had my ruthers, I'd take my wife and I on a multi-year tour of the United States in some kind of RV, blogging or vlogging our even VRing our experiences, and maybe tailor it to people are age, or maybe a little younger, who are looking for not only in the US sightseeing destinations, but places to live.
That could mean selling our house and then living off, for a while, the proceeds.
However, my wife would never go for any of that, especially selling the house without getting another. She's just not been interested in getting any kind of trailer or motorhome, even though she does like traveling. She wants to fly anywhere we can't comfortably get to in a car.
With Virtual reality recording glasses, 3D tours of places would be a good Idea. If it has been a few years since you last watched the Movie Brainstorm, it was pretty good, and it was way back in 1983.