I actually don't travel, that is one of the reason I love the Block Chain so much. I get to see places from the heart of Russia through the eyes of people that live there, from the deeps of Africa, (Kenya Has some really cool buses), I even got to visit Antarctica through the photo's and stories of a guy that was down there as part of a science team. I've met wonderful people from India, China, Finland, England, France, Germany, Austria, South America, literally from all over the world, and never had to leave my arm chair.
I share back my views I have of Alaska, I wish at times I had more time for traveling around my state or more money to afford that travel, but still I like to share the shots of where I live. There is so much unfiltered by governments and corporations on the Block Chain, no one to tell you, "you can't share that view", whether it is a thought, a picture, or a statement against a company or government. People are allowed to be people on the Block Chain for good or bad, the bad is slightly tarnished by down votes, and greying of the names, or of users just deciding to mute them so they do not see their content, but the bad can still post, some read them some don't we decide as individual what we will see or not.
Not perfect but better than a lot of places I tried.
I look forward to some of your travel shares with us.
Now traveling is impossible but listen don't dream it to it. I can tell you that LIVE is better then in the chair ;-) And listen, you never know why it's good that we connect each other here.
So think about it. Take time in life to have time ...