The People are learning. During the last super police fiasco, of Ferguson riots in 2014, where the protesters burned the homes and shops and business of the people, at least, for once in the life of the protesters, they did take action and show displeasure at a location that was central to the cause of their disgruntlement. Yes there was other damage to places not related at all to the cause of the riot/protest, but at least the people are learning to take their war to the cause of the war.
Were the people right in the method they chose to show that displeasure? only history will tell. Will their actions cause a change to police procedures in what is allowed or not allowed to restrain an individual? I guess we will see.
One fact people always seem to forget when it comes to situations like this. The person that died as a result of the police action was innocent. People are innocent in the United States until Proven guilty. His past criminal activity, if there is one, has no bearing at the time of his death. If he was guilty of a crime and out walking the streets and being a member of society, it means the State has forgiven him of his past crimes.
I know that is a lot to complicated for some people to understand. Innocent until proven guilty.
I haven't followed the news on this at all, just the mention of it. I don't watch the news. The thing that I see is that no matter how many protests there are and how many changes are made, it is still living at the pleasure of the authority, hoping they will be benevolent.
That is pretty much what it is, this is the first case I have seen/read/heard of that a police station has been on the receiving end of the peoples wrath. My wife is the news watcher, so I get to hear and see the videos when she sees something important like this.