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RE: Every family has one

in OCD4 years ago

I have been re-reading my favorite trilogy this past week, (started book 3 last night). It is W. Michael Gear's Spider series.

...that we can throw ourselves against and into - to leave our mark.

In that series the question is What lessons will you take back to God. We all at one point in time wanted to leave a mark on society, to be remembered. Even though not many people are remembered at all for very long. John F. Kennedy is remembered but who remembers the captain of his Yacht? King George is remembered but who remembers the name of his cook?

What is more important, that which we leave behind or that which we take with us?


For me as someone who doesn't believe in an afterlife, the mark I leave behind is for those who are to come after me - whether I am remembered or not. I hope that in my last breath I can feel that I made a positive difference for them.

True, we do not after all really know who built Petra, or the Pyramids, or Machu Picchu, but those builders certainly left their mark on the world. I think no matter who we are when we die there is at least one person we made a positive difference to.

I have always wanted to visit Petra. I have been in Khafre, the center pyramid out of the three great pyramids in Cairo, and it s something I will never forget - it left its mark.


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