I miss that place...sometimes

in OCD5 years ago

Home is where your heart is, and no matter how much you think you've grown, there are still fewer things better than being at home with your parents. Oh, trust me, it isn't always fun, and as a matter of fact, in the past, I and my dad often had mini squabbles. They were minor differences but we iron them out real quick. He's a really brilliant and caring man though, and despite being in his late 60s, he still has that sharpness about his wits

It has been almost a year since I visited them, and sometimes I wonder how they're doing. Time is not on our side, but alas, I try to call, text and just interact with them as much as possible.

My mum is a Gem I tell you, all she has his love, love and a fiery temper that got cooler as she got older. Sundays used to be the worse day of the week because of her tantrums. The issue is that I've always hated going to church, so I drag my feet(more than usual) in the morning. SO every Sunday, she would nag my ear off about it and I'll just sit there, listening to all that whining, but still act the same way next week. Oh, the fun times.

Nowadays, I live alone and nobody nags my ear off, although mum calls and because she's so cool about life, her nagging are nuanced into conversations in a passive-aggressive kind of way. It lacks the oomph, you know? Oh well, life is quieter now, I'm in my own space and I get to do my own shit, generally speaking. But you know, sometimes, I kind of miss that place...I miss home.


My parents were meant to come and visit me but coudln't due to covid. I would like to be home to see them now! Especially since my dad turned 88 a few days ago.

Aww that sucks that they can't visit. How's Dad though?

You are a good son to keep up with your parents. The good thing is though, that they stay with you, in your heart and your mind even after they're long gone. Gather up their knowledge now and store it in your brain's library for you will surely need it one day lol.

My own parents have been gone for several years now, but still I learn and grow using the knowledge they planted all those years ago. They casually drop seeds disguised as comments or suggestions during day to day life and hope one day they will sprout and take root.

I certainly will Tamara. That's why I like spending time with them. The thought of losing them some day hurts a lot but it is the cycle of life that we'll all experience

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