While delivering remotely, one of the tricks is not to over-deliver, not to try and cram too much into a session and if possible, leave a fair amount out. Amen to that.
One fun finding about online meetings and reduced ability to learn and accept information. people see themselves on a video camera and are concerned about the way they look too much. That distracts their attention. (Think about it like placing a mirror in front of every person in a meeting room.)
I do not know how helpful this kind of observation can be in regards of behavior and capacity to concentrate and consume information but i believe it does play a certain role.
I have the camera on and encourage participants to also. In large groups, it isn't possible, but in the smaller ones people don't seem to mind - if I already have my camera on and don't make a big deal about it. One of the nice things is that people are slowly forgetting to care that they aren't dressed for work :)
Soon they will start not to care if they are dressed at all lol