Use Your Gift

in OCD5 years ago


Every single individual on this planet earth has been endowed with gifts and talents that they are supposed to use to their good and for the benefit of God's kingdom should they be Christians. It is common to see people desire others talents and admire it so much wishing they had something similar for themselves that they could have utilized to make their lives better but the fact it most people have not have enough time for themselves to even realize what their gifts are and those who have are not taking time to perfect their gift and be the very best at what they can do. Whiles some gifts are easily discovered and nurtured no gift is so hidden such that if own was to have time for themselves they could not discover what they are made off.

How to Nurture the Young Footballer in Your Child.jpg

No man is an empty vessel, God's unique gift is for everyone based on what he put in you. Do no allow what others can do to make you feel inferior because you are not able to do what they do because if it is not meant for you, you can only learn and rehearse and practice but you will never be as good as they may be because that is what they are supposed to do is their gift. Do not disappoint yourself or God by going after what is for others, find your niche and develop yourself and you shall be great.
